
2009-01-30 7:29 pm
THE GOLDEN TOUCH AND OTHER STORIES (這個是書名)。 唔該可唔可以用中文講下呢本書大致內容講乜嫁???
1. What does 'Everything she touches turn to gold' mean?
2. What was Midas' hope?
3. Why Mida wasn't happy when he was the richest man in the world?
4. What was Arachne good at?
5.What does 'Arachnidae'make people think about?
6.What does King Midas like about Pan's music?
7.How did Apollo punish King Midas?
8.What was Pluto's rule for Orpheus to save Eurydice?

回答 (1)

2009-01-30 9:52 pm
✔ 最佳答案

這些故事是知名的在希臘和羅馬时期,超过2,500年前,但是仍有在可能今天感興趣和使我們發笑的他們。 您將闻悉可能通过接觸事做金子的國王; 殺害一個妖怪的一位年輕王子,但是失去了他的父親; 陷入麻烦由吃一半蘋果的一個可怜的少妇; 喜爱非常飛行的男孩他飛行太緊密到太陽; 并且更多。 故事可能教我們關於生活。 不要告訴秘密對任何人。 不要吹噓關於什麼您能做。 并且,第一個故事显示,在请求小心地总是認為您非常要的事之前。 您不可以发现它一样好,象您希望! 這本書包括金黃接觸、第一隻蜘蛛、驢耳朵、Theseus和Minotaur、美妙的翼、冥王星和Persephone、一位美妙的音樂家和星期日的金黃運輸車。

These stories were well known in Greek and Roman times, more than 2,500 years ago, but there is still much in them that can interest and amuse us today.

Here you will read about a king who could make gold just by touching things; a young prince who killed a monster, but lost his father; a poor young woman who got into trouble by eating half an apple; a boy who loved flying so much that he flew too close to the sun; and much more.

The stories can teach us about life. Never tell secrets to anyone. Do not boast about what you can do. And, as the first story shows, always think carefully before asking for something you want very much. You may not find it as nice as you hoped!

This book includes The Golden Touch, The First Spider, The Donkey Ears, Theseus and the Minotaur, The Wonderful Wings, Pluto and Persephone, A Wonderful Musician and The Golden Chariot of the Sun.

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