Do you think taiwan is china ?

2009-01-30 2:44 am
Do you think taiwan is china
All chinese say taiwan is china
but i dont think so
Do you think taiwan is china

回答 (14)

2009-01-30 5:58 am
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2009-01-31 6:21 am
Taiwan is Taiwan
China is China
Though China claims Taiwan as its own
Just like China claims Tibet to be its own
2009-01-31 12:40 am
You said, "All chinese say taiwan is china". Who are you referring to when you said "All chinese"? ._.

Anyway, Taiwan certainly isn't part of China. And I hope it never is.

I like Taiwan as it is, and I see Taiwan and China as two distinct, separate countries.
2009-01-30 4:21 am
No, Taiwan is Taiwan, China is China.
2009-02-01 3:10 am
Heck no. There are 10 reasons, some in jest and most that are legit in this post. Ranging form famous people born there to currency, military, government etc...

I also lived there. It is not part of China.
2009-01-30 2:08 pm
China's claims of sovereignty over Taiwan are a "bluff," pure and simple. Such claims do not rely on any true legal foundation.

Unfortunately however, although many legal researchers in North America, Europe, Japan, etc. fully realize that Taiwan does not belong to China, nevertheless they are unable to precisely define to whom Taiwan currently "belongs." This failure on their part is largely due to the fact that they are unfamiliar with "the customary laws of warfare of the post-Napoleonic period."

With an in-depth knowledge of these customary laws, it is possible to create an accurate "Introduction and Outline for Modern Taiwanese History" which explains all relevant details. As of early 2007, such an Introduction and Outline was completed by researchers in Taiwan, and is available online at

The San Francisco Peace Treaty (SFPT) of April 28, 1952, is the highest ranking document of international law, and of United States law, which deals with the legal status of Taiwan in the post WWII era.

A "laws of war" reading of the SFPT, along with some basic research into the military history of Taiwan beginning in the late 1930's, reveals the following facts:

The Republic of China on Taiwan is a (1) subordinate occupying power, beginning Oct. 25, 1945, and (2) a government in exile beginning mid-December 1949.

In relation to Taiwan, the United States of America is the principal occupying power, and United States Military Government (USMG) jurisdiction over Taiwan has begun as of the surrender of Japanese troops on Oct. 25, 1945. Today, Taiwan remains as occupied territory of the United States of America.

USMG jurisdiction over Taiwan is currently active.
2009-02-01 10:34 am
I guess Taiwan is part of China, but they have their own government.
Taiwan has wanted to become independent from China in many years, but it has not still be recognized as an independent country, and they can't even use their national flag when joining international sport competitions such as Olympic.

And their economy, both export and import, is too much dependent upon China and their domestic power over the international society is very limited. Many people get confused " Taiwan " with Thailand or think it is another name of Thailand.

Dare I guess Taiwan is likey to be absorbed by China in the next couplse of decades.
2009-02-01 4:29 am
anyone acknowledges that the separation beteew the strait is the rusult of chinese civil war, does not it? I think it is ridiculous that a civil war fought between two countries. Just twenty years ago, taiwan claimed they are chinese, but why changed the standpoint so fast?
2016-05-27 12:55 am
Nationalist China (Taiwan) used to represent entire China in the United Nations until Communist China wrestled it away from Taiwan. I do not know who is to blame for it. Politics during the Cold War was different. Since then Taiwan's status has become vague. It is not considered as an independent nation or part of Mainland China. In fact Taiwan through its Nationalist leaders still claim to the legitimate rulers of entire China. However after 60 years, things has changed. It is high time to close the history books let Taiwan have its own life. China should realize that Taiwan will never become part of their Communist rule and I do not think the United States would allow such to thing to happen. A Communist Taiwan will pose some security in balance in the region as it is found in a busy sea lane.
2009-02-01 11:55 pm
I was taught that Taiwan is technically part of China, Everyone in the world (except China) recognizes it as its own country, and that Taiwan is acting on there own by forming there own government and laws.

But that's what I was taught in school, it could be true, it could be false.

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