how would i get a book published?

2009-01-30 1:55 am
i always wondered how to get a book published. does it take a lot of cash?

回答 (4)

2009-01-30 2:28 am
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First, write your story.

Edit your book several times to make it the best it can be, type it in proper manuscript form (visit to find out what is needed), consider joining a local writer's group to get feedback from other would-be writers, and get it proofread by someone who knows what they are doing (don't rely just on spellcheck). Edit it some more.

There are a tiny number of publishers that accept unsolicited manuscripts (those that don't go through a literary agent), so getting an agent first is a really good idea.

At the library or bookstore is Guide to Literary Agents, published by Writer's Digest, or Bowker's Literary Marketplace (or visit Look for agents that specialize in your genre, and are looking for new clients. Read, and follow, their submission guidelines. In those books will be something about writing a query letter, which is what you send to the agent, first. It's part synopsis of your book, and part explanation as to why your book deserves to be published. You have only that one-page letter to wow the agent, so take the time to make it a good one. Expect the whole process to take lots of time, and expect many rejections. When you are accepted by an agent, they will send your book to publishers, not you. The whole process is free, except for postage, until your book is bought by a publisher. That is when the agent gets their cut (usually 15%) of the money which would go to you.

If you decide to self-publish, then you will pay (potentially up to a couple of thousand dollars, depending on which publisher you choose).

Good luck!
2016-09-09 3:53 pm
Agents won't contact whatever that's already Published (if it is a respectable manufacturer) niether will they put up matters which were placed at the Internet. Synopsis's is ok however should you add chapters then no. Also with self-publishing you have got doomed your self. Your e-book is not getting at any place so that you write some thing else and process an Agent. They wish to understand whether or not you have got any matrerial Published, then they wish to understand whether or not it bought. Yours has no longer, they surprise why and wont take delivery of your paintings. You have to ask why your paintings hasn't bought. Self-Publishing could make or holiday you and really more commonly it breaks you, now you'll be able to battle to put up whatever along with your History. I cannot urge individuals ample to investigate each angel of Publishing and in my sincere opinion avoid Self-publishing. Sorry to supply you handiest dangerous information, however it is not your e-book that wont be approved however you as good. I cannot even let you know what to do and you'll be able to no longer get out of it I'm afraid. I'm no longer an Author myself I paintings for the 'Dark Side', individuals should not be so fearful of Agents we do not chunk that tough.
2009-02-02 6:10 am
Self-publishing your book costs between US$299 to US$12999. It all depends on the publishing package that you choose.

Check this site for tips on self-publishing:
2009-01-30 2:04 am
first start writing one.
and make copies and send them to different publishers.
hopefully one of them will contact you after reading a few chapters of your book.
if they think it is interesting, they will publish it.

if you want to publish your own book... i believe it will cost quite a lot to make enough copies for sale.

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