
2009-01-30 7:22 am
Which is correct?

A. What is the shape of a butter?

B. What is the shape of a button?

C. What is the shape of a bottom?

回答 (5)

2009-01-30 7:44 am
✔ 最佳答案
B. 係正確,其餘都錯。

"What is the shape of" 係問什麼形狀,"butter" 係芝士,"button" 係按鈕或者衫鈕,而 "bottom" 係底部,當中只有 "button" 可以配上 "a" 作為單數。因此,"a butter" 同 "a bottom" 都係錯。

補充:如果係 "butter",你可以講 "a piece of butter"。如果係 "bottom",你可以講 "the bottom of something (e.g. a well 一口井)"。
參考: 我是一個教師
2009-01-30 10:05 am
Only B is correct.
2009-01-30 8:20 am
2009-01-30 7:30 am
B. What is the shape of a button?
2009-01-30 7:25 am
C. What is the shape of a bottom? 岩

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