
2009-01-29 11:49 pm
what thing we can play in hong kong when it is chinese new year ?
i want so example .
thank you very much.

回答 (5)

2009-01-30 1:15 am
✔ 最佳答案
1) To play mahjong with friends and family
2) To watch the Chinese lunar New Year Night Parade
3) To visit relatives and friends and receive some lai see packets from them
4) To watch the firework display
5) To go to the Wong Tai Sin Temple
2016-08-17 4:55 pm
I often end up asking the same thing on other sites
2009-02-06 11:29 pm
2009-01-30 1:23 am
In Hong Kong, we usually play mahjong during Chinese New Year. Mahjong is played by 4 people, so some people called it "Gang of Four".

Some people play card games and dice games. They bet with a small amount of money to try their luck.

On New Year's day, there is normally firework displays to celebrate. Crowds of people gather together along the Victoria Harbour to watch it.

On the third day of New Year, because it is said that this day is not suitable to visit friends and relatives, many people go to the Che Kung Temple in Shatin to pay worship to Che Kung. Inside the temple there is a fan-bladed wheel of fortune, which, worshippers believe, will bring good luck when turned three times.
2009-01-30 12:47 am
祝您新年快樂 ~萬事如意 ~開心美麗 !

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