中文版本: 隨著香港高等教育普及化,每年踏入社會工作的畢業生數以百萬計,這現象令到勞工市場競爭激烈,近年更出現學士學歷飽和的現象。
在這次金融海嘯, 一些沒有高學歷的社會工作者為了防止被淘汰,他們紛紛搜尋一些大學校外的進修課程修讀。可是, 他們同時也面對著公司裁員的壓力, 即使每天超時工作, 也敢怒不敢言。由於精神壓力大, 學習無法集中, 每天活在痛苦之中。
English Version:
With the commonization of Higher education in Hong Kong and the millions of University graduater step into sociaty. The competition of labour market has therefore become more intense.
During this Economic tsunami, for those of people who haven't recieved Higher Education, they are seeking some course offered by Universities to study in order to maintain competitiveness. However, since they have pressure of being laid off, it drive them to work overtime without extra paid and a grumble. Due to their stress, they simply cannot concentrate to their study.