yet 放在句首代表什麼意思?

2009-01-29 11:11 am
Yet studies show that crying sometimes makes people feel worse.
請問這個yet 放在句首一樣有否定的意思嗎?是當副詞修飾study嗎?那是不是代表尚未有研究證實哭(流淚)有時會造成人們感到更糟???


As part of that study, three thousand people in different countries, mostly college students, wrote about recent crying experiences.

這邊的mostly college students為何不用most??

To 老人 我是想問 college students不是名詞嗎?為何能用mostly副詞來修飾??? 這點我不太明白...= =


To Elisa 那mostly是來修飾three thousand people in different countries 那為什麼要用逗號隔開呢??? 為什麼不是這樣寫??? As part of that study, three thousand people in different countries mostly, college students, wrote about recent crying experiences.


To 老人 可是Elisa說,mostly 是用來修飾three thousand people in different countries這個片語 跟你還原的句子 Three thousand people are mostly college students. 是不是也是一樣來修飾Three thousand people ???


老人,我可以再問你一個問題嗎? you are on the wrong side of history是什麼意思??? 指的是你已過歷史???


To those who cling to power through corruption and deceit and silencing of dissent, know that you are on the wrong side of history, but that we will extend a hand if you are willing to unclench your fist."

回答 (3)

2009-01-29 11:35 am
✔ 最佳答案
Yet studies show that crying sometimes makes people feel worse.

例如: I don't know him, yet I can get his help. 我不認識他,但我會得到他的幫助。
為什麼會加yet呢?由此句推論,完整段落中應該有說到哭可能是件好事,有可能被認為是好是,但研究結果顯示的竟然是不一樣的方向。所以才要用 yet轉折語氣。

As part of that study, three thousand people in different countries, mostly college students, wrote about recent crying experiences.

Most是形容詞 ( many, much; more; most) ( many , much 的最高級)最多的;最高程度的

你的句中,mostly college students,只的是"主要"的意思"。
而且,mostly是來修飾抽樣族群的次族群 - which is college students, mostly. 所以跟敘述最高級的most是完全不同的意思。


2009-02-01 16:20:28 補充:
Three thousand people in different countries mostly college students 這段化把它改為完整句子。

Three thousand people in different countries (are) mostly college students.


Three thousand people are mostly college students.


2009-01-31 12:11 am
這邊的mostly college students為何不用most?? 為何能用mostly副詞來修飾???

mostly is not used to modify "college students". It is used to modify the phrase "three thousand people in different countries", meaning most of them are college students.

2009-01-30 16:11:48 補充:
If you want to change it to "most college students", your sentence has to change to:
As part of that study, most college students wrote about recent crying experiences.
2009-01-29 11:33 am
Yet studies show that crying sometimes makes people feel worse.
Yet ---> 有轉換語氣作用

As part of that study, three thousand people in different countries, mostly college students, wrote about recent crying experiences.

"mostly college students" 算是補助形容 "three thousand people in different countries" 單字本身來說就有不同, most - 最多, mostly - 大多數
參考: me

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