Hong Kong and China are different!!!?

2009-01-28 10:56 pm
I am a college student going to college in America. Whenever I say I am from Hong Kong, people just say sth like "oh!!China!!", "I have been to Beijing b4!!", "why don't u just say u r from china!?". OK! I am sick of that crap! Although HK is a part of china, but it has its own systems such as gov, edu, transportation, laws, rules, currency, official language.....We have different cultures, also we speak different dialects and use different kind of chinese words. Why some people just gain up on us HK people and say we r from "China". wtf!!! Can I tell those people that they r from Africa?????
If they don't understand, they can just go to wikipedia, they don't need to argue with us.
I know some people from mainland China may be pissed off while reading this. But hey!!admit that Hong Kong is different from China, u guys still need to use passport to come to HK.. Yep!we admit that we r chinese, but not from China, period.

回答 (5)

2009-02-01 4:57 am
✔ 最佳答案
is there a different ??
2016-05-26 5:47 pm
Hong Kong used to be a fully integrated part of China (which was the Qing Dynasty) before the British Empire came to borrow Hong Kong for 100 years. In 1997, the UK returned Hong Kong to China at that time, which is the PRC. Upon its return, Mainland China agreed to give Hong Kong high degree of autonomy for 50 years for its internal affairs (everything except military & foreign affairs), therefore it is the special administrative region (SAR) of the PRC. Singapore is a completely independent country from China despite the majority of Singaporean are (overseas) Chinese people. The relationship between Taiwan & Mainland China is a special non state-to-state relation in which each government from both sides across the Taiwan strait claim to be the legitimate government of China. CCP government which controls mainland China claim that they are the legitimate Chinese government controlling the whole China under the PRC. KMT government which controls Taiwan claim that they are the legitimate Chinese government controlling the whole China under the ROC. This is what has been agreed under the 1992 consensus made in British Hong Kong in 1992 between ARATS & SEF, the 2 non-political bodies representing Mainland China & Taiwan respectively.
2009-01-28 11:21 pm
You're right...one is a City, and the other is a Country...and yes, I know that that is a snide remark. It was supposed to be.

1) This kind of bile is best vented elsewhere...maybe in a personal blog?
2) Your question...such as it is...is in Violation of Community Standards...namely, it isn't a question.

I understand the frustration..and sympathise. We all have our own "Red Necks" to deal with, and "Stupid" signs to pass out (Thank you Jeff Foxworthy and Bill Engval!).

Good Luck, and an Even Temper, eh?
2009-01-28 11:13 pm
So you're upset because people mistaken you as a Mainland Chinese? Or you upset because people think Hong Kong is China?

Hong Kong IS part of China, so you can't blame them for thinking Hong Kong is China. Hawaii and New York are completely different, too. People eat different food, have different history and cultural background, etc. But you don't see a Pacific Islander in Hawaii getting all upset when people say "oh USA? I've been to New York before!"

So, I am guessing you're upset because people think all Chinese are from China and you don't want people to think that you're from China? What's wrong with being from China? You ashamed of China? Let me guess, you have British passport (a BNO) and because of that you think you're better than other Chinese from China?
2009-01-28 11:10 pm
You are from China though so you can't say you aren't from China.. It's like someone from Hawaii saying that aren't from America it just doesn't work.. I understand what you are saying though.

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