What is winter like in Asia/China?

2009-01-28 8:18 pm
Curious on how cold the winter gets in Asia and China?
Thank you.

I ask cause i am looking at buying a winter coat from over there and that lady just tells me it's for an asia winter.. (me not knowing what that means) :)

回答 (17)

2009-01-28 8:24 pm
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Its gets cold over there but not like winter over here. They prolly stay around the 50's or 60's. They don't get no snow either.
參考: talked to a girl from china just last week.
2009-01-28 9:27 pm
Depends on where in Asia.

If you're talking about Beijing, then it's very cold.

If you're talking about Tokyo, then it's like Seattle or Vancouver (minus the snow)

If you're talking about Hong Kong, Taiwan or Macau, then it's like San Francisco and LA in the winter months.

If you're talking about Singapore, Malaysia or countries in the southern part of Asia, then expect the winter months to be warm (warmer than summer-time in most US/Canadian cities).

So a winter coat from Asia would be perfect for fall in North America.
2009-01-28 8:25 pm
depends where your at, asia is the largest continent on earth. many place very tropical, and many places such as russia with freezing winters.
china is very large as well so winters will vary from city to city. so if u find out the city/ part then u you'll know the weather
2009-01-29 9:27 am
The weather in Beijing is of the continental type, with cold and dry winters, due to the Siberian air masses that move southward across the Mongolian Plateau. The summers are hot owing to warm and humid monsoon winds from the southeast bringing Beijing most of its annual precipitation. January is the coldest month and July is the warmest. Winter usually begins towards the end of October. The summer months, June to August, are wet and hot with about 40% of the annual precipitation.
2009-01-29 7:15 am
I'm in the north near Beijing. It was SO cold last week - it got down to 15 below zero (celsius). This week it's only as low as 4 below zero.

The more south, the more warm it is. There's next to no snow around the country because rainfall is mostly in the hot stinky summer.

Look up Yahoo weather!
2009-01-29 2:37 am
China is vast, there is no winter in the south and there is a pretty wonderful freezing winter in the north...
what place are you talking about?...
2016-10-05 6:22 pm
nicely from a international attitude the only element getting warm is under our collars. never has an journey representing equality and freedom and expression been so contradicted by making use of a central authority which looks hell bent on forcing their draconian, dictatorial techniques on the the remainder of the international. the sensation is that if we rewound time and could desire to work out the doubt and shame China is already throwing on the video games they could never have have been given it!!
2009-01-29 9:13 pm
In northern china, Beijing, Dalian, Kaifaqu etc it can be horribly cold with a windchill of around -30C typical and one year when I was there, it was -45C with the windchill. Like Northern Canada.

China is a huge country. In the southern areas people will talk of winter and how cold it is while we are still wearing a light sweater they will be wearing toques and winter jackets LOL

Where is the source you are buying from? I bought a ski jacket in Dalian in Northern China and believe me it is the warmest jacket I won, here in Canada, interior of BC it is too warm for me.
2009-01-29 9:02 am
Winter in Hainan or Manchuria? Its a big difference you know, like Florida and Manitoba
2009-01-28 9:55 pm
Asia spans from just below the Arctic circle, all the way down to the tropic. Your question does not make any sense without context of where exactly in Asia.

This is like asking what is winter like in North America. Depends on which city, New York vs. San Diego, the winter is completely different.
2009-01-28 8:25 pm
It's like New york, when it snows the snow stays there for days and days, doesn't melt fast.

Not like just because they in the other side of the world means that the seasons are different and whatnot =P

It's different from different parts of china though. This is for Beijing
參考: My mom is Chinese =P

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