Sony t700 / Casio Z300?急!!

2009-01-29 7:02 am
我唔知買邊部好 各有長短...
我想try casio 新ge 美肌function, 另外又喜歡sony 有pic 編輯,可以整十字星光,魚眼果d....
外型當然係sony好啦, casio 好似太厚&重啦...
but電力方面, casio 好正,可1次過影到300張,but sony only 200,as touch mon 好食電, 同埋好似好易壞咁...
also 網上d 人講sony 影夜景好唔掂...
有無人可以比d 意見我呀....

回答 (2)

2009-01-30 2:45 am
✔ 最佳答案
Well, you just can't have the best of both worlds. Besides, the tiny 1/2.5" sensor inside these models aren't capable of producing excellent image quality as with larger sensors.
> 我想try casio 新ge 美肌function
This gimmick basically adds some filtering, some shadow correction and despeckling to smooth out the facial blemishes. Nothing special about it, but things can get really wrong when you set this function to the maximum level.
> 另外又喜歡sony 有pic 編輯,可以整十字星光,魚眼果d
It's all gimmick. You don't need this ON-THE-FLY. You can always add these effects in Photoshop later.
> 外型當然係sony好啦, casio 好似太厚&重啦...
Not true. The Sony models are too slim and thus quite difficult to hold. Plus, with the touchscreen, operation must be done in TWO hands. The Casio has slightly better grip and consistent ergonomics from model to model.
> 電力方面, casio 好正...
200-300 shots per charge is acceptable. However, Sony's touchscreen operation is VERY cumbersome. For example, to access certain function, you will have to get deep into the menus, chose that function, then confirm. This is pretty much the same in all current Sony DC models, touchscreen or not.
> 網上d 人講sony 影夜景好唔掂...
That I don't know. But as mentioned, small sensors won't do much good, especially in long exposure night scenes, where noise is a problem. The Casio is said to have poor night shooting capability, but the Sony won't do much better either.
> 有無人可以比d 意見我呀....
I would choose Casio for its easy operation and friendly GUI. I don't expect stellar image quality with the Casio, but I know how to get around those issues to get my best shot.

I'd probably get intimidated by the Sony touchscreen GUI in the first place. Also the Sony accepts only MS-D cards which are more expensive and less popular than SD/HC cards.

2009-01-29 18:46:27 補充:
By the way, why not wait for the new Casio Z400 to come out?
2009-02-09 2:32 am

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