Don't you and you don't

2009-01-29 4:14 am
以下兩句有咩分別 ?
You don't worry about that
Don't you worry about that

回答 (1)

2009-01-29 8:23 am
✔ 最佳答案

Don't you worry about that, HERMES!
= You don't have to worry about that, HERMES. ( Everything is going to be ok.
It can be used as a question. <----------

Don't you worry about that, HERMES? <-------A question你不擔心ma?
A: Your friend smokes too much. He is your friend, HERMES.
Don't you worry about that?= 你不擔心 ma?

B: I do, but what can I do? I have asked him to quit smoking many times, but he never listens to me.
You don't worry about that.
It can be a question.
You don't worry about that, do you? <------------a question
Or just a statement

A: Whatiswhat smokes too much, but you don't worry about that, HERMES.你不擔心
HERMES: He is an adult and he should know smoking is bad for his health.
I really don't worry about that. I am sure one day he will have to quit that.

Don't you worry about that = You don't have to worry about that.不必擔心
( No need to worry about that) ( Everything is going to be ok.)

參考: 886

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