
2009-01-29 3:37 am
Customers still willing to splurge at Hong Kong's Lunar New Year fair
HONG KONG: Hong Kong 's annual Lunar New Year fair in Victoria Park, famous for its flower stalls, has opened for business. The current economic downturn has caused concern among some vendors about a sales slump.
Fair offerings range from flowers to food and toys, with stalls up for auction a few months before the season.
The auction is seen as a gauge of the health of Hong Kong 's economy, and this time, things were not looking good. Some of the winning bids were about 10 per cent lower compared to the previous year.
Even vendors selling the popular peach blossoms, believed to bring good luck, were bracing themselves for a sales slump.
One vendor said: "Last year, all my peach blossoms sold out. This year is probably going to be difficult."
Despite the grim prospects, many flower vendors had not raised prices. And some customers, who make the fair an annual ritual, said the economic downturn has not stopped them from spending.
One customer said: "Chinese New Year is only once a year, I don't think about this problem."
Typical Lunar New Year products were not the only things being sold this year. Some vendors were taking an unconventional approach, using humour to draw in customers.
Keeping with the Year of the Ox theme, entrepreneurial secondary school students were selling inflatable hats resembling cow dung - a play on the Chinese phrase for a "bull market".
One of the students said: "The economy term "Ngau see" means the economy is turning better and the stock market is rising. And you know, "cow poop" in Chinese is "Ngao see" - it has a similar sound in Chinese."
The fair will run until January 26.


d 文句是超通順!! 5好解釋左,我都5明佢講咩!!如果係果d人的話,我不會選他的!

回答 (3)

2009-01-29 5:03 am
✔ 最佳答案





參考: 自己翻譯
2009-01-29 4:44 am
Customers still willing to splurge at Hong Kong's Lunar New Year fair
HONG KONG: Hong Kong 's annual Lunar New Year fair in Victoria Park, famous for its flower stalls, has opened for business. The current economic downturn has caused concern among some vendors about a sales slump.
香港每年最吸引的花市, 維多利亞公園的農曆年花市己經開始營業, 現時的經濟環境確令很多在維園擺賣的檔主感到憂心, 相信生意不比往年。
Fair offerings range from flowers to food and toys, with stalls up for auction a few months before the season.
年宵花市有不同種類的檔位, 有賣花的、食物的、以至於玩具的, 所有檔位在幾個月前已被完全拍賣。
The auction is seen as a gauge of the health of Hong Kong 's economy, and this time, things were not looking good.
此拍賣被視為香港經濟的指標, 但今年卻並不樂觀。
Some of the winning bids were about 10 per cent lower compared to the previous year.
Even vendors selling the popular peach blossoms, believed to bring good luck, were bracing themselves for a sales slump.
One vendor said: "Last year, all my peach blossoms sold out. This year is probably going to be difficult."
其中一位檔主說 : 舊年, 所有桃花都賣清, 但今年就比較難啦。
Despite the grim prospects, many flower vendors had not raised prices.
雖然面前嚴峻的環境, 很多檔主都不敢提高售價。
And some customers, who make the fair an annual ritual, said the economic downturn has not stopped them from spending.
但香港人都當行花市係每年的慣例, 雖然經濟不太好都無阻行花市消費的興致。
One customer said: "Chinese New Year is only once a year, I don't think about this problem."
其中一位顧客說 : 中國人的新年一年一次, 他並没有考慮到經濟問題。
Typical Lunar New Year products were not the only things being sold this year. Some vendors were taking an unconventional approach, using humour to draw in customers.
今年售賣的並不單是傳統應節貨品, 有些更以非一般的幽默去吸引顧客。
Keeping with the Year of the Ox theme, entrepreneurial secondary school students were selling inflatable hats resembling cow dung - a play on the Chinese phrase for a "bull market".
以牛年作為主題, 並以中國人用語 "牛市"創業的中學生, 售賣著他們的創意 : 得意的吹氣牛糞高帽。
其中一位學生說 : 經濟用語"牛市"代表經濟好而股市轉跌為升, 即是牛[屎], 同音嗎。

2009-01-29 3:42 am
唔知文法得唔得, 不過都希望幫到你啦!~ ^^











一名學生說:經濟一詞牛見是指經濟好轉,股市上升。你也知道, 牛船尾在中國是敖見, 它也有類似的聲音在中國。


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