
2009-01-29 12:12 am

001果位,一睇就知你用翻譯軟件或網站,我就係唔想用翻譯軟件或網站先係呢個網出咁高分問呢條問題 我一定唔會簡001最佳,以免浪費我的分數,我的分數只會給用心答我問題的人




001= keung 19941115

回答 (2)

2009-01-29 6:38 am
✔ 最佳答案
Facing the current economic downturn, the economic chief should also bear in mind the importance of boosting public confidence towards the shares they hold in hand, apart from the many efforts that the government has invested.

Economic crisis can shake financial foundation of developed countries in different aspects, with education funds, endowment funds, pension funds and retirement funds suffering first. The funds are built on health of the financial and security markets. Therefore, the intense strike upon finance-reliant countries can be understood: fund pools shrinked, so did security to the future. The financial threat has swept away funds from the countries, shut down businesses, and disabled most economic functions. Economic impacts are chains. When assets can hardly be liquidated, it is like a person losing blood.

2009-01-29 02:04:13 補充:

Facing the current economic downturn, the economic chief should also bear in mind the importance of boosting public confidence towards the shares they hold in hand, apart from the government's efforts of prospering the economy.
2009-01-29 10:34 am

As I see, under such the financial crash, not only our government needs to take some actions, all businessmen and financers need to strenghten the belief and confience of all citizen and the share-holders of the market.

It has a tremendous effect on this financial crisis torwards all the developed countries, especially on those registered funds for education, pension for retirement, as these funds and pension are all affected by the market value.

For countries that are heavily relied on financial stockings and market shares, it is a totally strike by this crash. Majority shares and stockings lost their security and values. Most developed countries were deeply affected by this financial crash which caused recession, most business went bankrupcy, a lot of laid off and projects were being turned down.

To those deveoped countries, the financial crash totally affected the system of their economies and monertary, just like a human being is running out of blood.
參考: myself

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