美國airport (轉機問題)

2009-01-28 1:40 pm
我會由jacksonville ( florida) 轉機去newark,再轉機返HK.
我知喺jacksonville個時,一定要過security,我想問咁落左機喺newark個時,再洗唔洗過security? 定係就咁衝去返香港既gate就得?

我可能要由domestic 再行去international (因為去香港),所以我唔
sure洗唔洗過security.我得1個hour & 15 mins to transit only!

回答 (2)

2009-01-29 7:04 pm
✔ 最佳答案
go through airport security check point is very easy and fast today.
if you take the same airline, they will provide the transportation for you to go to their international terminal if it is not in the same building.
if they are in the same building, then you have to walk walk walk... to the gate, usually it is long walk.... so, i suggest you carry light weight personal luggage.
as long you do not walk outside the security check point limit, you will not need to go through the security again.
the gate counter person will only check your ticket, broading pass and passport.
there are so many passagers doing the same transfer as you everyday. no need to worry too much. if you really have problem, just go ask any airline personal for help.
參考: live in USA for long time
2009-01-29 5:32 am

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