我2002回流返香港, 加拿大護照2003+二月到期, 但一直都冇去Renew, 期間去旅行一直用特區護照. 直至最近想去澳洲玩先發現加拿大護照係免簽証, 而特區護照係要簽証. 所以想去Renew個加拿大護照. 但係填申請表嘅時侯有一項係咁樣寫...
"Enclose any Canadian passport or travel document issued to you within the last FIVE (5) years. If your current passport expires more than 12 months from the date you submit your application, provide a written explanation for why you are applying at this time. Should Passport Canada not be satisfied that you have a valid reason for applying early, your application for a new passport may be refused"
咁我個加拿大護照過咗期咁耐, 我要點寫佢地先唔會refuse我個申請呀? 如果我話我travel用特區護照, 我驚佢地會refuse我個申請.
有冇人有好似我咁嘅情况呀? 有冇人可以幫下我呀?? 好驚申請唔返個passport呀....