
2009-01-29 7:50 am
Also, Washington has one of the lowest rates of students graduating from high school.

one of the lowest rates指的是很少的比例嗎???為何不直接用lowest rates就好了.???one of 是不是什麼什麼之一的意思?


She says she was troubled by the many barriers her students faced in going to college.

句中barriers 跟her 之間是不是少了什麼字???句子這樣連起來對嗎?

She says she wants the students to know that even when facing hard times, they can succeed.



回答 (2)

2009-01-29 11:23 am
✔ 最佳答案
Also, Washington has one of the lowest rates of students graduating from high school.
(英語裡通常不會篤定說一個人或一件事是最好或最壞的。但肯定他是最好或最差那堆族群裡其中的一個,所以說One of the best或 one of the lowest等等)

非裔美國人,有就是美國的黑人。通常美國人會以種族來分類其國民,例如 Chinese American, Italian American, 等等。

She says she was troubled by the many barriers her students faced in going to college.
(你說的少了甚麼字,的確有少,但少也沒錯。原句應該是如下:She says that she was troubled by the many barriers which her students faced in going to college. 所以which her students faced in going to college是關係代名詞子句來修飾barriers. Which 可省略)

She says she wants the students to know that even when facing hard times, they can succeed.
(facing的由來是因為省略掉主詞。原句寫給你看你就懂了:She says she wants the students to know that even when they are facing hard times, they can succeed. 句中有太多的 they。若可省略則省略。我把省略的they加括號給你看。)

She says she wants the students to know that even when [they] are facing hard times, they can succeed.


She says she wants the students to know that even when <are> facing hard times, they can succeed.


She says she wants the students to know that even when {being} facing hard times, they can succeed.


She says she wants the students to know that even when facing hard times, they can succeed.

(Even 是加強語氣,當然文法上他是副詞,但是你只要想說他在中文中是甚至的意思,你就可以了解他在英文中的用法。)


2009-01-29 11:36 am
1) one of the lowest rates. 比率最低的城市之一
如果直接講 lowest, 代表很確定,沒有別的地區更低。但是這需要有確實數據才能這麼說。用 one of the lowest 代表我知道本地一定是很接近墊底,但沒有查過是否為最低,通常也很難徹底查。

沒有完整證據的觀察或意見,即使再有把握,須視情形說明這是 one of (之一)、或 probably (可能)、allegedly (據稱)、appears to be (似乎) 等。這方面英文比中文講究。

2) 非裔美國人。即美國黑人。這是最近 politically correct 的說法(謹慎的官腔、避免歧視)。因為傳統說黑人 (black) 有時被認為有歧視意味。雖然也有些黑人會說,我就是黑,說 black 沒啥不好。但須謹慎的場合常會說 African American.

3) 可以加 that 或 which。
省略掉也可,上句完全正確。後面的子句修飾 barrior 這個字。

4) Facing: 不能是原型動詞。
因為最基本原則:一句只能有 一個 動詞。而一個子句也就是一個動詞。其他的動作都要轉成名詞或形容詞性。

這句真正的動詞是 says。第一個子句的動詞是 wants。

子句內的子句:even when facing hard times, they can succeed.
動詞是 can。
face 若是以動詞形式出現,就鬧雙胞了。得加 ing,在此句的文法上是名詞。
也可能是被動,就用過去分詞當形容詞,例:even when forgotten, they can succeed.

even 是 即使 的意思。

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