Chinese : do u think china violates human right?

2009-01-27 10:03 pm

回答 (9)

2009-01-28 2:08 am
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Ignore the poster above me. "Bias" and "Western Propaganda" are the pet word that they use to counter whenever they are confronted with human rights issues in China.

Just take a look at these facts

1. Suppression of Tibetans, Uyghurs, Falun Gong and individuals alleged to incite protest against the Communist Party

2. Sixty Chinese citizens still imprisoned as of 2008 for their participation in pro-democracy demonstrations in Tiananmen Square in 1989, suppressed by a force now known to have killed hundreds and injured thousands in the “Tiananmen Square Massacre”

3. 140 is the reported number of people killed in Tibet in mid-March 2008 after Chinese security forces opened fire on peaceful demonstrators, largely Buddhist monks, who demanded independence for Tibet. The actual figures could be much higher.

4. New York Times reporter Zhao Yan was detained for 637 days before facing trial on a charge of publishing “state secrets” in a process ruled arbitrary by the UN Working Group on Arbitrary Detention, prompting international outcries that loosened restrictions on foreign journalists, but only until after the Olympic Games.

5. Thousands of online forums shut down on the pretext of "containing subversive and sensitive content,” part of an ongoing crackdown enforcing a government mandate that all media publish only news that has appeared already in a state-run publication.

6. Thousands of school-age children, some as young as 12, lured or kidnapped from rural Liangshan province (an area plagued by drug abuse and AIDS where many have no formal education and cannot converse in Mandarin) to work in export zone factories desperate for cheap labor, notwithstanding China’s minimum wage and child labor laws, to offset rising costs while maintaining low prices on consumer goods to appease foreign buyers (New York Times, 2007)

7. At least 10,000 number of people executed in China every year, several times more than the rest of the world combined, the exact number and methods of execution being impossible to ascertain because China refuses to make such information public.

8. 200,000 people believed to have died so far in the Darfur genocide in part because, for a 2/3 share of Sudanese oil production, China supplies arms and funds to Sudan for its government-backed militias and resists international pressure to use its clout to bring peace to Darfur

9. 1,500,000 people estimated to have been forcibly evicted from their homes due to Olympic Games construction, with compensation so far unpaid or only partly paid and no resettlement plan put in place.

10. 4,200,000 migrant workers in Beijing. Thousands of them worked to construct Olympic facilities, often performing dangerous tasks without adequate physical safeguards, access to medical care, time off, or fair wages
2009-01-27 10:08 pm

It does, although I'm not Chinese lol
2009-01-27 11:56 pm
China violates human rights? Can you give us examples? Have you been to China and see things with your own eyes and not judging a whole country due to biased Western media?

Wow, have you ever heard of Holocaust, Black Slavery, Interment Camp, Massacre of the Native Americans, Evil Imperialism, and so on? Guess what, they were committed by Europeans/White! If there's any race that violates human rights, Caucasians should be the first!
2009-01-27 10:09 pm
in sum respect all countries violate human rites...
2009-01-28 3:31 am
Just wondering what you're trying to achieve with this question. Are you looking for examples and facts for a school essay or you trying to start some protest and need the help of Chinese people?

Of course Chinese people know that China violates human rights, just as citizens of all other countries can find faults in their own governments and countries. Don't tell me all Americans are very happy with their own country and don't think there's nothing that needs to be changed.

Like a saying in Chinese, every family has their own problems. We know what problems we have and we also know that just because a solution worked in another country doesn't mean it'll work at home. If that was the case, then we wouldn't have to come up with orange chicken and beef and broccoli for western diners.
2009-01-28 3:48 am
i think foreigners violate Chinese right for independence constantly trying to tell Chinese how to live and what to do...
2009-01-30 9:27 am
no, you haven't been to china so how can you know. give china a break, china has 1.3 billion people do you think that any government in the world can control that many pple. well at least there trying. The protest about tibet in the olympics were not held by tibetans, those people were hired by organisations. The media is biased. In this world you can't base your opinion on what you see and hear. you have to face facts wheather you like them or not.
2016-10-25 1:15 pm
I believe you. notwithstanding i might want to like extra British to have little ones then the opportunity of Muslims would not be so risky. India actually have a negative economy and help the most objective camps in Sri Lanka adversarial to the tamils. What if a lady is raped- is she in charge for the asshole guy who doesnt use a condom?
2009-01-28 4:33 am
Depends on one's definitions of human rights...

Mine however, is that the human rights to housing, education, health, food and clothing are more important than right to freedom of expressions. Ask the many Americans who lose their jobs and houses whether they would freely abstain from voting for the rest of their lives in exchange for jobs, economic stability and a house, and I would bet they would take it in a heart beat.

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