Anyone starting or started to show at 8 weeks with first child?

2009-01-27 9:27 pm
I'm only 8 weeks and a day and my stomach is really noticeably bigger than it usually is. It's bigger than it normally is with just bloating. Is it even possible to show this early? My baby is only the size of a lima bean.

回答 (12)

2009-01-27 9:40 pm
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I started showing at 8weeks - i looked around 5months.
People hear will tell you its just bloating - but i know for sure that you can start showing not just bloating!!
If you quite thin, it is just because you uterus is expanding

Enjoy it - pregnancy is beautiful
參考: 27weeks
2009-01-27 9:32 pm
Thats just bloat and totally normal, your body is retaining water and getting all cushiony preparing for the pregnancy. It'll settle :)
2009-01-27 9:31 pm
it is not possible to show this early in pregnancy...maybe you are bloated. have you had a lot of salt intake? try hydrating, drink lots of water and cut down on the salt. unfortunately, your bigger stomach isn't due to the little one...yet!
2009-01-27 9:41 pm
You're probably just bloated. I thought I was showing at 7 weeks, too and by 8 weeks I was wearing maternity pants. But the bloating started to go away at 13 weeks and I looked like I "lost weight" and the maternity pants were loose. Every woman/pregnancy is different, like other posters said, just drink more fluids and limit salt and fat intake (I was having a bit too much McDonald's around week 6-7 so that might be why I was so bloated, too). Just remember, the majority of the foods you eat in the first trimester goes directly to your waistline, your growing baby won't need all that extra food until second or third trimester.
2009-01-27 9:37 pm
Your tummy is only bigger from bloating, and an expanding uterus.

Your baby is only just over 1 cm at 8 it is certainly not the baby making that bump.
2009-01-27 9:33 pm
Yes it is possible, I got veryyyy bloated right away then it just kinda went away after 15 weeks! Now I'm 25 weeks and I really don't look big at all :) This is my first pregnancy and I'm due May 8th with a baby girl yay! but everyone is different with their pregnancies! And honestly I wouldn't worry about the bloating or getting big lol those are the least of your problems that can happen :P you are pregnant hehe!
2009-01-27 9:33 pm
I have shown early with all three of my pregnancies. I haven't been able to even wear my "normal" clothes since I was about 7 1/2 weeks this time. If you are a small person or if your placenta is in the front it is quite possible for you to show this early.

Good Luck
Mom of 2, 3rd due in Aug/09
2016-10-14 12:38 pm
Hun you relatively cant anticipate the whats up because of the fact everybody is diverse. Your doctor will comprehend for confident yet each and every so often you dont omit your first era while your pregnant meaning you ought to be everywhere from 3 to eight weeks. a blood try could tutor precise outcomes 10 dpo is what i heard. relatively, anticipate no longer being confident while theory became. yet considering the fact which you're already previous your era you may get a blood try each time because of the fact an at homestead being pregnant try would desire to be precise now. SO I say call doctor and make that appointment. in case you purely had unprotected intercourse on april seventeenth and no different day, that should better than probable be the day u conceive or interior a week after that ok Now ovulation is two weeks after your era in many cases. SO for you it could have been approximately 2 weeks in the past. i'm hoping i replied all your questions in an comprehensible way! I observed you published jus now which you have been thinking a date... Which dates became that?? Sorry i wasnt confident if it became ovulation, or what.
2009-01-27 9:35 pm
Hello, I'm 21 weeks pregnant tomorrow and I'm barely showing!
This is my first pregnancy and at an appointment yesterday the nurse said "I'll just get someone to come and feel your tummy, even though there isn't much to feel yet!" You're probably just feeling bloated atm, its normal and I was the same at the beginning. Take care of yourself Xx.
2009-01-27 9:38 pm
I beg to differ that it isnt possible. I showed already when i was 9 weeks. not alot, but i did show some. and i'm absolutely positive i wasn't bloated, trust me, i know when i was bloated.
參考: experience

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