Where in Vancouver can I lodge a complaint against a dirty restaurant? What gov't department can I write to?

2009-01-27 6:11 pm
I went to a restaurant in Richmond Centre a few days ago and the waiter there was extremely dirty. He had a very big sneeze and he sneezed to his hands and then served food to customers without washing his hands. He also kept on coughing slighting without covering his mouth. Before replacing customers' dishes, he touched the whole plates with his dirty hands (don't know for what purpose, as if he's clearing the germs on his hands to the plates!). My husband and I think it really disgusting! What a coincidence that after this meal my husband and I got a cold, not sure if we get it from that waiter. Now I really want to lodge a complaint against the restaurant!

回答 (3)

2009-01-28 4:35 am
✔ 最佳答案
Call Vancouver Coastal Health and speak to the public health inspector's department. The Richmond number is 604-233-3147
2009-01-27 7:49 pm
write to the health department
2009-01-27 6:19 pm
Contact the Better Business Bureau and they may have a number to call Health services for you to get an inspector down there.That's just gross and they shouldn't allow someone like that to be working there.

收錄日期: 2021-04-28 23:58:04
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