
2009-01-28 7:02 am
9.找part time job做大約每月是多少錢?

回答 (4)

2009-01-29 10:31 pm
Hi , i also gradaute from oversea, let me help you out a bit

1. Studying in U.S. is much better as the weather in U.K. always cloudly and raining comparing to U.S. and Hong Kong is changing to 3-3-4 , 4 years University , same as U.S. Edu system, so your Degree need to update if you want to back to HK for your future careers.

2. Normally, U.K. you need to pay around 30,0000hkto 40,0000hk a year including living fee, U.S. need to pay around 25,0000 to 30,0000.

3. Each country also have so many University, you need to see what is your qualification to enter different level of University.

4. First of all, what is your qualification at this moment? HKCEE? HKALE? how many passes? you need to process the credit exemption or the entry requirement to offer each University, this takes time to do so if you apply more than one Uni

5. this is base on your previous result, no staight way to do so.

6. base on Ans 4, you need to fill in thye application form and send the transcripts to them to apply.

7. U.S. can study community college, U.K. you can go to study Diploma. HKCEE student can also go to study University foundation course before enter the University Year 1

8. this is a breifly and long long questions to discuss, you can try to leave me a email, i will answer you and attach some information for you

9. Depends on the boss is Chinese or Foreign guy. but you need to apply from the immagration for working, otherwise illegal and have a chance to kick out by immagration.

10. see when the course start, you need to prepare before 4-5 months time as you need to body check, student visa..

11. this also a lot to talk, cant type all out in here

If you want to know more information, feel free to leave me an email "[email protected]", i am pleased to get help with, cheers
2009-01-28 9:21 pm
1. It depends on you. But in reality, there are more famous Business schools in the United States than the United Kingdom.
2. Again, it depends on you. But based on estimate, it will at least HKD$250000 per year total.
3. Again, it depends on you. Usually cheap schools really means cheap. And it involves with your performance. So unless you have a plan, no one can answer that until then.
4. It depends on the country. For UK, HKALE should be good enough. For US, depends on how you want to get it, most people will choose cimmunity college to lower the cost. In order to get in, basically good English skill should be good enough with an average performance.
5. Again, we don't which school you want to go. Unless we know, nothing to teach you for now.
6. You can try agent.
7. Usually it will be straight to community college for the US, AL for UK.
8. Again, it depends on you. But based on estimate, it will at least HKD$250000 per year total.
9. If you have a BN(O) and go to UK, you can ask your employer to sponsor a work permit. However, in most of the case, no student is allowed to work in the US.
10. What kind of process you mean?
11. Again, it depends on you.
2009-01-28 2:45 pm
Halo, 我係係英國讀緊書, 希望幫到你丫=]
1) 個人覺得英國會比較好d, 因為個環境比較好...."" 個人讀左咁多年, 覺得d英國人好nice, 唔錯既一個地方...
2) 大學學費一年要1萬2千磅.... 咁即係12萬蚊, 如果係讀science就會貴d, 如果入imperial college, 仲會貴好多tim, 一年要2萬磅... 即係24萬蚊, 而如果係係london讀大學, 生活費會貴d, 一年要10萬蚊, 而如果係係其他地方就會平一半了....""
3) 如果你係想好d既話, lse係好既choice, UCL都ok既, 如果想平d既話, southampton university, leicester, essex都會平D, 不過都唔差得好遠, 係住既$$平唔平...
4) 大學會睇你既A-LEVEL成績, 有時會睇埋CE tim既... 咁呢, 如果佢地覺得你ok, 佢地就會俾offer你了=] 咁你可以經agent報, 好似係academic asia, E&L果d都ok, 如果唔係可以上英國大學網度整:
>> www.ucas.com
咁呢, 你只要填哂你既成績同埋你個personal statement就可以的了, 咁就可以等大學俾offer你了, 而家呢, 係整唔到既, 因為係09年entry同埋已經係deadline了, 如果係10年entry就要等9月先可以整的...但係上面有好多course同埋唔同既大學可以俾你睇, 咁就可以知道有d咩大學同埋佢地既收生準則係咩了..."
5) 同上面一樣, 大學係睇你既成績既, 如果間大學要求既grade係AAB, 而你有既係BBB, 咁當然係唔會俾offer你啦, 但係如果係AAB但係你有既係ABB, 咁可能佢都會俾既, 不過要睇下佢係唔係有好多學校apply既, 但係記住要有學校既ref letter bor...而因為你係oversea既學生, 大學會要求你考英文既test, IELTS就係一個好好既例子了....
6) 同上面一樣, 填哂所有野之後, 唯一可以做既就係等reply
7) 英國既system同hk既一樣, 英國都係讀完f.7 先可以入大學, 即係仲要讀多2年先可以入大學...
8) 英國既物價會比HK既高, 有d野會比hk貴1倍, 而chinese既野, 會費1-2倍tim既, 不過而家個exchange rate低左, 咁會好似d.. 出去食野, 一餐都要預5磅, 好似m記咁, 一個meal都要5磅, 即係50蚊架… 而住呢, 如果你第一年住hall, 就會平d, 如果係london就90磅一個星期, 如果係其他地方就係50磅一個星期了… 而日用品, 都會貴… 好似去supermarket買野咁, 如果係自己整野食, 一個星期都要買40-50磅野的...第一年去既, 最好就係預多少少$$了…

9) 你用既係student visa, 咁所以如果要做野的話, 只可以做一個特定既鐘數, 我自己都唔係太清楚, 聽人講好似係要係british citizen passport先可以做past time的… 如果做part time, 一個鐘m記咁啦, 就5磅既, 你可以試下apply大學既part-time, 咁會比較好的…

10) 如果你係9月去的話, 就係上一年既12月開始要整了, 因為大學既application係有deadline的..

11) 如果自己去留學, 第一年要用既, 都係d衫, 被果d野, 日常生活用品都要帶, 文具果d當然要了, 因為個suitcase既limit有限同埋自己travel去大學, 所以都係唔好帶咁多野了, 去到有d咩要帶可以mark低先, 之後xmas番到hk先再攞過去了…

希望幫到你丫, 有d咩再email我丫=]
參考: 多年uk留學exp =]
2009-01-28 7:36 am

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