anymore同no more有咩分別?

2009-01-27 5:21 pm
anymore同no more有咩分別?點用?最好有例子

可唔可以詳細d?咩叫mincing with words?

回答 (3)

2009-01-27 10:34 pm
✔ 最佳答案
本來 anymore 和 no more 大有分別。
通常我們說:He will no more come this way. 或是He will not come this way anymore. 兩句可作用樣解:他不再經這裡了。我的理解是:前者是 mincing with words,後者才是正道的說法呢!
但我想強調一點,就是英文文法有所謂 double negative的,(尤以美國的黑人口語為甚!)如果你聽到 he will no more come this way anymore。也是不錯的呢!本來負負得正,他們會是負負得(極)負的呢!

2009-01-30 14:43:22 補充:
我對 mincing with words 的理解是「賣弄」文字吧。
2009-01-31 5:36 pm
any more: 一般是發問
no more: 一般是肯定回答
eg. any more water in your cup? no more but you can ask your ma.
2009-01-27 8:07 pm
anymore is mean 重有冇
no more is mean 沒有
參考: no

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