I want to be an actress in Japan. What are my chances?

2009-01-27 5:41 am
I'm nearly 18 and im half japanese. I can speak and understand japanese pretty well and i can read and write ok. I'm 173cm and about 62kg and im trying to lose weight now. I hope to one day act in japanese drama even if its a minor role.. I've never acted b4 and I was thinking maybe I should go to a few classes but other than that I was wondering whats my chances? Do I just apply to a talent agency and wait for them to say we've got a role for you?? also in your opion do they pick ppl who are best looking or??? how do they decide who will get wihch roles in drama?? any help would be good plz!!

回答 (11)

2009-01-28 12:36 am
✔ 最佳答案
I'm going to take you seriously, and guess that you're not in Japan now. If you are living in Japan stably, and you work hard, you could be taken on by an agency and work your way up from there, but it can't be your primary option. You could incorporate this acting idea into your future if you have another legitimate reason to be in Japan, so decide on that first.

You can get over there for a short time through college or a language school, but it's illegal for you to work in the entertainment industry on a student visa. An agency that would employ you in that circumstance is probably very dodgy.

In the meantime, are you happy with building up an acting resume in your own country? Apply to any small acting or modelling jobs near you now, advertisements being a good example.

Of course they "pick people who are best looking". If you grew up outside of Japan, your idea of good looking may be a little different from what's sought over there.

Improve your Japanese. You need to be able to speak for yourself. No matter how well you think you speak and read, you also need a Japanese citizen you can trust, who can read anything and act as your contact. Having a savvy relative there would be invaluable to you. Actually, this goes for moving there, acting aside.

Finally, you need to be realistic about the acting and modelling industries in both your home country and Japan. It's very easy to get taken advantage of and slip into the adult industry, or get into real financial trouble, even more so if you're foreign. Even if you've always felt drawn towards acting, it needs to be your secondary option.
2009-01-27 12:49 pm
Whoa...you definitely got to lose weight first. Then, here is another good trick...just walk up and down the street in front of TBS station as much as you can...The director is bound to see you at some stage and will ask you to come for an audition. People often stop me on the street and beg me to be in a TV interview, magazine interview and even one guy as I was passing by a shoot never let me go and I had to star in his commercial and I wasn't even wearing make-up that day. So annoying....nowadays I run as soon as I get the feeling of becoming yet another media victim. Good luck!
2009-01-27 6:38 am
You have to take auditions and pass it if you want to become a real actress.

On the other hand, TVs are always looking for extras. So you can apply for it if you are interested.
2009-01-27 9:43 am
Register some net agency to take first step for example as below. After having some popularity as photo gravure model, you could be scouted or be not.

2009-01-27 2:51 pm
Being half Japanese in Japan = Being NOT Japanese
You're a foreigner. Foreigners are not taken seriously in Japan, period.
This is a silly dream. You will only be exploited.
Lots of the foreigners working in hostess bars, schmoozing drunk businessmen and fending off their sexual advances (or not), started out believing they were "talent".
2016-10-25 11:31 pm
i think of the main intense situation in case you would be an actress in Japan or not is that the style of your parent and character could be cherished to eastern people or not. Is it elementary to succeed as an actress on your usa? that's the same right here.
2016-05-02 3:47 am
It's very possible to learn to sing well. You just need to know the right methods. Learn here https://tr.im/3jLWZ

Singing teachers will cost money and can be expensive so they're not for everyone. Singing can be learned so it's not an "either you have it or you don't" kind of thing.

Whether you sound like crap or you're decent, I recommend this singing course. It's one of the best methods to learn to sing well in a short amount of time. It's all about using efficient techniques that work.
2009-01-28 3:37 am
I am sure you'll probably have to find a manager or an agent because only they will know how to get you into these auditions.

Btw, I see that you're pretty tall for an Asian girl, 173cm is considered tall in Japan for a girl, so you might have some problems there. If they put you in heels you'll be taller than most male costars.
2009-01-28 1:17 am
Becoming a film or tv actress, even with a small role, is super hard. It's unlikely for everyone. In Japan particularly, even celebrities are are known for their short careers. My advice:

1. Love acting. I mean, it the art itself that you love? Or is it the idea of being an actress and getting that notariety that motivates you? If you don't love acting--even if it's only in front of 50 people in a local community center--then don't spend your energy on classes or auditions or any of that. On the other hand, if you are actually interested in fine arts as a craft and enjoy it, then by all means proceed. That way, even if your "big dream" doesn't come true, you'll still be happy because you're doing something that pleases you.

And hey, just remember that small-timers are cool, too. People who do stand up at Open Mics and play guitar in garages and act in local troupes still have more fun than all those other people who just stay at home.

Oh yeah--and if you have a parent/relative who will teach you some Japanese, definitely learn as much as you can. It's a great vocational and social skill.
2009-01-27 7:39 am
Only major celebrities will be able to be specially requested for a role prior to auditioning. Since you are not a celebrity, you'll never get a role by waiting for someone to say they "have one" for you. You need to go to auditions and get a call-back.

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