impairment loss...唔知係咩...

2009-01-26 9:03 pm
impairment loss...

我想問下impairment loss係咩泥架?

我做consolidation果時,,,,見到acquisition之後有impairment loss...

佢既accounting treatment係點架?

係b/s度...是否以goodwill minus accumulated impairment loss?

好似depreciation咁?用accumulated amount減?


回答 (2)

2009-01-27 7:00 pm
✔ 最佳答案
當某資產的賬面價值少於其實際價值時,需要對該資產做一個撥備,就叫做 impairment loss
Cr impairment loss ( B/S)
Dr impairment loss (P/L)
2009-01-27 4:35 pm
In a simple term, impairment loss means the fair market value of this asset is lesser than the value as shown in the books. The difference - impairment loss - is then written off.
In Trade Receivables, we can use Impairment Loss on Trade Receivables to stand for the Bad Debts written off.

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