
2009-01-26 1:27 pm
請問我啱啱到左外國讀書,但係英文實在係太差,希望可以俾d意見pick up返果到d英文....ty
當我考試時特別別係poem,我完全唔明,又唔識,雖然ESL有教,但係都唔係好明,而且老師話我有lisp,有d音發唔到....我好想pick up返d 英文,and grammar, 但係要點做, 令到我好自卑,所以唔敢同人講英文,又唔係好多朋友...plz help...
thank you :)

回答 (3)

2009-01-26 1:54 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Please try to do exercise from internet, read news and watch TV. Dont need to afraid of communicate with others, if you keep talking with others for 6 months, your English will have a big progress. 唔好灰心, 想想它日的成功/學成, 今日的難題好少事. 加油!

2009-01-27 6:47 pm
read out the textbook when you're reading......
and try to make friends in ESL first..cause you guys are all ESL.....
it's easy to communicate..! and you'll feel relax a bit!

i got the same problem as you when i came to canada0-0 but now i got a lot of friends......some canadian...and some friends from ESL.... and some taiwanese.....anyway, just practice more at home..cause no one hear you.....just read (out loud) more articles and textbook.....your pronounciation will get better!

and use dictionary to figure out the vocab that you dun understand....and try to memorize it...

hope you found some helpful stuff in my opinion.! ^^
2009-01-26 3:27 pm
Try to learn it from the book and don't be afraid to ask the teacher anything. You must have your own dictionary that really fits your level.

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