
2009-01-26 5:52 am
想讀 好 的大學,

回答 (2)

2009-01-26 8:47 am
✔ 最佳答案
SAT is a must for admission to the 4 years University directly. SAT is a test of your English and Mathematics abilities. Yes, it will be a certain degree of difficulty to be admitted to the University after a year's study, but it all depends on how good your English is and your academic results in the first year of study in the US. The first step to enter a good University is your TOEFL score must be 600 or above. If you want to be admitted to a good University like Stanford or UC Berkeley, you must submit a letter stating that why you are interested in attending their institution along with the application. The most outstanding students might not be able to be admittted to the famous University because they emphasize LEADERSHIP. They will look at your extra-curriculum activities and your Internship results. Business Administration, Computer Scienece, Electrical Engineering are the most common majors people will choose. Try not to choose some rare subjects as you will be very difficult to find a job after you graduate. Besides, when you plan to attend a class, choosing a teacher is very important. The standard of scoring varies greatly from teacher to teacher.
2009-01-26 11:35 am

中五後走, 你有3個選擇.

1. 去美國讀12th grade, 一年後升大學, 當然要考SAT, 因為你係直入大學freshman, 收生取決於SAT分數及high school表現(通常睇最後4年的成績), top schools就當然睇埋你D leadership, activites, voluntary work吧.

呢條路其實唔係個個人適合, 因為SAT英文部份唔算容易, 更何況浸得一年英文, 咁快去考SAT無咁著數, 如果你英文本身十分十分之好, 更加無需要讀一年high school, 可直接考個SAT然後入大學. 再者, 你去讀一年, 建立到既野一定有限, 例如做servce或者leadership training, 去apply大學可能唔及讀左幾年既人優勝, 當然你香港讀中學儲起既野都可以大派用場, 但你自己要衡量番夠唔夠significant. MATH部份就對於香港人都應該無問題.

不過我唔太suggest呢條路, 讀一年high school就升大學, 未必係一個最理想途徑. 如果你最後SAT考得唔好, 入唔到你心目中理想大學, 始終都要入college讀1-2年先transfer入大學, 即係以下option 2.

2. 入兩年制college/community college讀1-2年, 然後transfer入四年制大學繼續讀到畢業.

聽落好似兜兜轉轉浪費左少少時間同金錢. 但其實如果你英文本身好, 你係絕對無浪費時間, 反而比同年紀既快一年大學畢業.

因為如果你英文好, 入到college做個placement test, 學校發現你既程度係無問題, 就唔洗你讀任何ESL classes(english as a second language), 咁你一去到第一個學期就已經同其他美國學生一樣中意讀邊科就揀邊科.

點解快一年大學畢業? 因為你留係香港, 要讀2年ALEVEL+3年大學. 你去到美國唔洗讀ESL既話, 你係college讀1年+大學3年or係college讀2年+大學2年, 加埋只係4年就畢業.

當然快一年唔代表D咩, 有D人中意慢慢享受校園生活都唔奇. 但錢都係一個問題. 讀少一年講緊既係HK$200,000-$350,000 less, 如果你揀option 1, 更加要睇埋high school既學費, private school一年仲貴過一年community college.

講番先, 讀community college既入學資格係大學畢業, 成績通常都無乜要求, 我地香港學制既form 5佢地已經認同係high school畢業, 快一年既關鍵就係呢度.

好喇當你讀左community college一段時間, 想入大學, 就自己上網搜集資料, 逐間心儀大學都睇下人地收transfer student既要求, 不幸既係, 經community college轉到入harvard, princeton, MIT等等最top既大學既例子係極度少之有少, 而且top schools好多都要求transfer student交埋SAT分數, 所以你始終都走唔甩SAT.

good schools就未必睇SAT, 所以你成功轉入去後, 就繼續讀埋你個degree要你讀既科, 然後就畢業.

3. 好簡單, 而家報SAT, 考一個好好既分數, 然後直入美國大學freshman year. 不過真係要考得好好好好先入到top schools. 就算係香港本身英文好, 我都覺得要去浸一排american english先得. 所以option 3就要睇你自己考成點.

-選科就因人而異, 最緊要係你既興趣, 目標清晰左先揀大學就最好, 因為每間出名既大學都有佢自己優秀既科, 例如讀psy可去UCLA(university of california-los angeles), 讀music可去IUB(indiana universiy bloomington).

未咁快肯定到興趣的話, community college都係一個踏腳石, 咩科都讀下, 睇下自己鐘意邊科. 再者community college學費係4年制大學的一半.

-呢個年代升入好大學, 成績只係其中一環, 你要好活躍, 有唔同activities同埋community service經驗, 有leadership証明就更好. 呢D係日積月累既野, 一時間build up唔到.

2009-01-26 03:35:53 補充:
-SAT-1係一個入大學既試, 好似a-level咁定出你入唔入到一間大學, 基本上全部美國大學都會睇SAT, SAT-1有3部份, critical reading, math, writing.

math絕對唔會難得過會考, 對香港學生一定唔算好難. 但ENG就睇下你自己了, 不過都有course/參考書的, 考之前都唔係話無得做準備. 考幾多次都得, 你可以淨係submit最高分個次比大學睇. 係香港都有得考, 只係幾百蚊港幣一次.

講住咁多先, 有問題再問我, 希望幫到你.

2009-01-26 03:39:12 補充:
sorry打錯左, community college既入學資格係中學畢業
參考: 自己經驗, 我都有過種種疑難.

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