公司今個月可能唔記得出糧比我, 請教我用英文問佢..

2009-01-26 2:26 am
我part time的,公司今個月可能唔記得出糧比我, 我想send email問一問佢, 想叫佢幫我check下咩事
佢係鬼佬所以要用英文, please help, thx!

回答 (4)

2009-01-26 10:57 am
✔ 最佳答案
Dear XXX,
My name is XXXXX working for your company as a part-timer.
I am writing to inform you that I have failed to receive my salary( wages) this month.
Would you mind looking into this for me, please?
Thank you so much for your attention.
Best regards,
參考: 886
2009-01-30 2:37 am
Dont use 001's sample!!It's bad!!!
2009-01-26 8:09 am
It seems that the company might have forgotten to issue the paycheck for me this month. Would you mind helping me to find out its status?
2009-01-26 5:53 am
Dear Mr. or Ms. XXX,
The company has not paid me this month's salary so far. Could you please follow up and let me know when I will be paid?

Thanks & regards,
Your name

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