runescape skillcapes

2009-01-26 12:06 am
I know that skillcapes have to get in member's world. If i take a skillcape in member, after i become back a non-member, will the skill cape turn to member's object???or will it disapear??Can i still took off and wear back it in non member's world???

回答 (2)

2009-01-26 4:46 pm
✔ 最佳答案
講得岩,當你做返F2p果陣,skillcape會變做member object,你可以remove佢,唔會消失,但係就wear唔到,要返到member world先wear到
2009-01-29 9:56 pm
u need level to 99 then u got it skillcape
but u can not in the menbers world u can wear because im not menbers im levle 99 fishing =.=!

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