
2009-01-25 11:42 pm


回答 (4)

2009-01-26 5:39 am
✔ 最佳答案

If a person becomes jobless, he won't have food to eat.

手停 means to become jobless( adjective) ( no work to do)
口停 implies there is no food for this person to eat
手停口停= If a person stops working, he will have all kinds of problems( including food, bills, rent, etc) It doesn't only mean" food".


2009-01-26 18:48:52 補充:
live from hand to mouth 僅夠餬口;勉強維持生活

It has NOTHING to do with   手停口停.

2009-01-26 18:49:07 補充:

2009-01-27 12:28:05 補充:
live from hand to mouth 僅夠餬口;勉強維持生活
To describe one's life AT THE MOMENT ( present tense)

手停口停. ( It has not happened yet.) <------ future tense

2009-01-30 04:13:34 補充:
He lived from hand to mouth last year. ( past tense)

he lives from hand to mouth . ( present tense)


2009-01-30 04:14:07 補充:
僅夠餬口 doesn't exactly mean

2009-01-30 04:15:00 補充:
When someone stops working, he will have no income.( You may use this sentence too.)

2009-02-08 13:29:21 補充:
003, siu pang pau.

Are you able to read English?

I talked about the idiom you learned at the tutorial centre.
I said I did not BUY that and you thought I had stolen your answer huh?

2009-02-08 13:30:54 補充:
樓上ge解答真係...................<----You typed this.

I was at sea when I saw what you typed.
That was why I had to show the asker what I thought about what you had written.

2009-02-08 13:32:55 補充:
I suggest you show your Chinese teacher "僅夠餬口 and 手停口停"
and let them tell you if they are the same.
2009-02-09 2:18 am
um being an out-sider I can't see how Mr.whatiswhat could actually copy your answers since he posted his answer even earlier than you???

Additionally, English idioms may not make sense in Chinese, not the other way round as well.
2009-01-26 9:08 pm

係live from hand to mouth
Working in the construstion site, Peter has to live from hand to mouth.

construstion site=地盤


2009-02-01 11:48:15 補充:
the one above copied me!!
參考: myself, 響補習d exercise成日見到lei個phrase
2009-01-26 5:28 am
There will be no bread and butter if you are not going to work.

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