我想問下ALL STAR D問題~!

2009-01-25 10:31 pm
我SEE有 D ALL STAR果粒星星下面有個○中間有個R,係唔係冇牌??

回答 (2)

2009-02-03 11:41 pm
You know what there are actually two kinds of all star well its the same brand but just different designs. so you could check/ask in the all stars' main website. + if you are asking in the main webpage then you should also send the picture to show them if it's real or not. hope it would help!~
參考: myself+own experience
2009-01-25 11:27 pm
係冇牌啲,因為真嗰啲係有 ALL STAR果粒星星下面冇中間有個R

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