English riddle 英文謎語一則

2009-01-25 5:50 pm
I have thin skin and taste neither sweet nor salty. I won't make you full however much you swallow me. When I "fly", there's no way you can catch me. (a consumer product)

Hint: This thing doesn't do you any good!!!

回答 (2)

2009-02-03 6:50 pm
✔ 最佳答案
答案係 cigarette
have thin skin 紙咁薄既皮,
won't make you full however much you swallow me.煙點吞都唔飽;
no way you can catch me. 煙亦捉唔住,
doesn't do you any good最後重話對我地唔好。

2009-01-25 6:04 pm
money!!!!!!!!!!!!! or others.......
參考: me think

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