
2009-01-25 12:48 pm
10 years gap?

10 years range?

10 years distance?

i will choose 'distance' , but好似沒見過 '時間'之後 put 'distance'....am i right or any other idea? thanks

hey Jeremy , tahnk you for your suggestion, but is there any other choice other their 'gap' of your opinion? becos i think gap is a bit going to the negative side


what about ' there is a ten year age gap relationship? can the word of relationship be added at the end as well?


what about ' there is a ten year age gap relationship? can the word of relationship be added at the end as well?


and as the sentense of 'there is a 30 year old man', we don't put 's' in year. but what about 'I (have) a ten year old dog?' actually i just wonder is there a 's' in year if the sentense begin with 'have' but not 'is'?


like i have a ten years old dog or i have a ten year old dog?

回答 (8)

2009-01-25 10:07 pm
✔ 最佳答案

The whole sentence would be

There is a 10-year age difference between XXXX and XXX.
10-year <-----------adjective
age difference ( common term)


2009-01-25 14:10:01 補充:
a ten-year age difference <---------- Some may write it this way.

ten-year <----------- is still an adjective

2009-01-25 14:10:43 補充:
He is ten years old. He is a ten-year-old boy.

a ten-year-old ( adjective) boy ( noun)

2009-01-25 14:11:40 補充:
a ( article) ten-year ( adjective) age difference( common term)

2009-02-06 14:49:49 補充:
ten-year-old <-----------ADJECTIVE Sigh!

2009-02-06 15:03:33 補充:
Why is there no "plural" in the case of a 30 years old man? I don't get it.

This is your question, 001.

He is a 30-year-old man.

a ( article) 30-year-old ( This is an adjective here) man ( noun)

30-year-old <--------- It is a hyphenated adjective.

2009-02-06 15:03:52 補充:
Corporate Law‎ - 第 64 頁
Christopher C. Nicholls 著 - 2005 - 477 頁

Is a 30-year-old man young or old? Does "logic" not demand that he be only one
or the other? Certainly not. We fully recognize that the answer to the ...
有限的預覽 - 關於此書 - Add to my shared library

2009-02-06 15:04:10 補充:
Sleep Medicine Pearls‎
Richard B. Berry 著 - 2003 - 388 頁

第 121 頁
PATIENT 35 A 30-year-old man with weight loss and sleep apnea A 30-year-old ...
He underwent a nasal CPAP titration, and CPAP at a level of 12 cm H2O was ...

2009-02-06 15:04:44 補充:
Understanding Viruses‎ - 第 205 頁
Teri Shors 著 - 2008 - 639 頁

He died May 3, and postmortem examination showed residual P. carinii and CMV ...
Patient 2: A previously healthy 30-year-old man developed P. carinii ...

2009-02-06 15:05:04 補充:
AIDS: The Biological Basis‎ - 第 116 頁
Benjamin S. Weeks, I. Edward Alcamo 著 - 2006 - 341 頁

Patient 3: A 30-year-old man was well until January 1981 when he developed eso-
phageal and oral candidiasis that responded to ...

2009-02-06 15:06:16 補充:
Behavioral Science‎ - 第 167 頁
Barbara Fadem 著 - 2008 - 216 頁

A 30-year-old man with schizophrenia has been very withdrawn and apathetic for
more than 10 years. He now is taking an antipsychotic agent that is helping ...

2009-02-06 15:06:52 補充:
I hope you understand that is an adjective. Thank you!
2009-02-03 5:29 pm
The most appropriate word is difference

e.g. There is at least 10 years' of age difference between the husband and his wife.


That's how we say it over here. A very common expression in both Australia and America.

參考: Help From Australia
2009-01-30 11:24 pm
You may want to consider using "apart":

John and Tom are 10 years apart in age.
or simply: John and Tom are 10 years apart.

Also, instead of using 10 years, a common usage is "decade"

John and Tom are a decade apart in age.
or John and Tom are a decade apart.
2009-01-30 2:28 am
In England, we usually say:

There is a 10 year age gap between ABC and XYZ.


There is a 10 year age difference between ABC and XYZ.
參考: me, in England
2009-01-29 10:30 pm
用 older 已經可以表示年齡距離;
I am ten years older than he.
I am ten years his senior.
2009-01-26 2:03 am
Difference will best fit for the case and precise for this question.
e.g. We have 10-year difference in ages./ 10 years age difference.
2009-01-25 8:42 pm
i'd prefer to use '10 years age difference'

2009-01-30 17:44:14 補充:
"there is a 30 year old man"
You can rewrite this sentence like "the man is 30 years old".
Both sentences are acceptable.

You can also write "I have a ten year old dog" or "I have a dog which is ten years old".

No matter the sentence starts with is or have, you can use either "years" or "year".
2009-01-25 1:16 pm
Distance is a wrong choice. As you already know, distance is a noun we used to measure a 2-3D RANGE between 2 measurable points. It's not intended to describe time. And I have never heard of anyone who uses "distance" in such way.

For age difference, the most common way to describe is your first choice------------ 10 years gap

2009-01-25 08:30:36 補充:
An age gap carries absolutely no negative meaning. Don't worry. It's very commonly used.

If you want a more formal (but dumb) way, you may say "Age difference"

2009-02-01 01:35:51 補充:
Gap and difference carry the same meaning, so it doesn't really make sense if you put them in the same sentence.

You may say, "This relationship has a ten years gap(age difference)."

Why is there no "plural" in the case of a 30 years old man? I don't get it.

2009-02-01 01:36:05 補充:
For the sentence, 'I (have) a ten year old dog?', people will still understand you, but it's grammatically wrong. It's a direct translation from Chinese. 我有一隻十歲大的狗。 But in english, you should really say, "I have a dog that is 10 years old." Or "My dog is 10 years old".

2009-02-01 01:48:09 補充:

你會唔會改用另一句話, "佢地年紀上的差距係十年" ????

後句你唔可以話佢文法上有錯﹐但係實質上有無人會咁用﹖ 學習語言﹐vocabulary and grammer 是要注意﹐但是勿忽略語言最重要的功用。

簡潔﹐通用的溝通便是最好的溝通了。 不用轉牛角尖﹐在不必要的地方上面。

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