How to be a good sales person?

2009-01-24 5:31 pm

回答 (4)

2009-01-25 4:41 pm
✔ 最佳答案 employing these proven Techniques & Promotional Marketing tools in Media

1. passing out flyers to local stores
2. printing up small posters
3. advertisting Biz on Custom T-shirts
4. putting logos on free pens
5. printing up Bumper stickers
6. putting logo on Coffee mugs
7. Banners. Billboards or Signs
8. putting logo on hats
9. Audio CDs
10. Making DVDs
11. using Youtube to promote Biz
12. using Myspace to promote Biz
13. Consignment deals with other local stores
14. Business Cards
15. buying air time on a Radio spot
16. buying air time on a local Cable Access TV show like doing a Informercial to sell products
參考: I'm a Solo Artist musician
2016-04-02 10:04 pm
While I can appreciate your gratitude for her, remember she wasn't doing this out of the goodness of her heart, she was making money off of you, probably some pretty good money at that. However if you do want to show your appreciation, I think that the gift charge is an excellent choice, if rather extravagant. A more appropriate gift would be a pizza, lunch, something along those lines. Also be aware that some car dealers will read mail addressed to delivered to the dealership addressed to a sales person, so I would deliver it in person.
2009-01-24 7:35 pm
Be confident, know as much on the products you are selling, understand human nature, your clients needs and convince them without lying why this product you are sellling will benefit them.
2009-01-24 5:40 pm
eye persistent but not too pushy. be friendly, but not to the point someone is uncomfortable. if it is a woman, compliment her. if it is a man, compliment him too, but more carefully. you dont want him or his woman to think you are flirting. give your own opinion of the product, and be honest.

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