Mcdonalds in pregnancy?

2009-01-24 5:27 pm
I've been craving junk food recently, i mean alot of it but i don't give into those cravings all the time. I've been craving cheese pizza and chips & mcdonalds.

I'll eat the pizza like once every 2 weeks, and a mcdonalds like once a month. I know moderation is fine, but on Thursday i had a Mcdonalds and again tonight i'm having a Mcdonalds again, do you think this is bad? I probably won't be eating junk food for another week or so if i crave it again.

I do eat healthily every other time, drink lots of water and take my vitamins.

So really, my Q is, is it bad for me to have had one on Thurs and again tonight (Saturday) like i said, i probably won't have another Mcdonalds for about 2-3weeks and probably a cheese pizza next weekend or the week after.

I was craving all kinds of fruit in my first trimester, now my 2nd it's crap foods lol.

Samantha - i don't drink liquor. Fallible - Get a life. Joey - What would you know about pregnancy? You're a bloke, uneducated at that. No i don't smoke or drink, not that that's any of your business. Joejohn - I'm not American my friend, can't you read? I said i do eat healthy and i do take my vitamins, i just like to indulge every so often. Mosh - LOL, funny one! I don't think that me eating a certain kind of food will make my baby fat or want to eat that food alot. Hannah - Nope i'm not, my first trimester i eat salads and fruit, that was my only craving, only in the past month i've been craving pizza & mcdonalds. Thanks everyone else for the good mature answers, i don't see why people answer that have nothing decent to say.

回答 (34)

2009-01-24 5:33 pm
✔ 最佳答案
It isn't that bad! just have self control and take it moderately! as long as you know the limits and continue to eat healthy and drink water and your daily prenatal're good! My wife did the same thing! she loves healthy food...but would crave McD's and Sonic! just keep it conscious and know what you NEED! but its ok to eat what you WANT occasionally too! Your prego enjoy it!
參考: Father of two wonderful sons! Staff Sergeant USAF!
2009-01-24 5:32 pm
Same here. If I crave it, I eat it. I've only gained 4.5 lbs, and my baby was a healthy 2 lbs at 25 weeks. Probably bigger now that I am 26 weeks.

Eat what you want, and be happy. An all junk food diet isn't good, but have you ever tried not to give into those cravings? It's like trying to keep a guy from staring at a naked girl in front of him. Lol. Truth though.
2009-01-24 5:36 pm
Yes you are fine. I used to crave big macs all the time! Your baby is getting the nutrients its needs. Your body is only sending the nutrients that is needed to the baby. Most of the bad things are filtered out. The biggest thing you would have to worry about it you gaining a lot of weight. Pregnancy is an amazing thing. Your baby is protected very well in the placenta. You are taking vitamins I'm sure. So long as you are eating other heathy things you are fine and so is your baby. A lot of people think they need to eat more because they are eating for two but its not the case. Just as it is safe to take some over the counter medications. Not everything reaches the placenta. The craving for fruit is telling you that you need those vitamins. I used to crave fish which was the omega I needed. Your body has a weird way of letting you know which vitamins and nutrients you need. And also remember that although it seems that your baby is really fragile in there right now, you baby is extreamly safe. Mothers are so amazing that they do it automatically. Good luck with your new baby and remember that your not carring around a glass baby! lol
參考: I'm a pharmacy tech and a mother
2009-01-24 5:33 pm
I would say its normal. I mean, your pregnant. Strange cravings is part of a pregnancy. I'm pretty sure it won't effect your weight too much, considering your baby is taking a bit of that food too. The cravings will probably pass eventually as well. I don't know if I'm much help, but theres my answer.
2009-01-24 5:39 pm
I wouldnt htink it would kill you. For starters, cholesterol is not a worry for pregnant women because your baby actually needs that to build its brain. if you are eating healthy and getting plenty of fruits, vegetables and leafy greens aside from the mcdonalds I'm sure you'll be fine.

Another tactic is to try to figure out what biological need is actually driving your craving. I suspect it is salt. Pregnant women, contrary to what the logic might be for nonpregnant women, actually need more salt, not less. So some women actually crave slightly salted fruits. You can try to get plain electrolyte water (they sell it at Whole Foods and sometimes at Sams Club) and see if that helps take the edge off. Also try adding natural sea salt to your foods you prep at home.

if it is pizza you crave, what about trying to make your own at home? you can do it in considerably healthier ways than getting it from Pizza Hut and it still satisfies. I have a recipe for homemade whole wheat pizza crust on my food blog if you are interested:

The mcdonald could also be a craving for protein, which pregnant women need lots of. So you could try making high protein foods at home and see if that takes the edge off. Does a burger made at home from wholesome lean beef fulfill your craving?
2009-01-24 5:35 pm
Don't worry! Like you said, McDonalds in moderation is fine. I don't think it's a problem to eat there twice in one week, especially since it will be a while before you go again and because you try to eat healthy in between. You and your baby will be just fine. :) Don't let other people make you feel guilty, it sounds like you're doing GREAT! It would be one thing if you were giving in to junk cravings every day, but you're not. Good job!! Your baby is very blessed to have a mommy that cares that much about his or her health!
2009-01-24 6:29 pm
I was like that, too, when I was 14-16 weeks pregnant. I was craving fast food all the time. To make myself feel less guilty, I had milk instead of soda and I ate super healthy during the day (breakfast and lunch). It was something about the fried food and the cheese that I now instead of giving in to fast food, I make my own "fried" chicken (shake and bake) with baked potato and cheese sauce and sour cream. I also have cheese cubes and whole wheat tortilla chips as snacks. Try to find out what it is that you're craving for and slowly substitute them with healthy alternatives.

There is nothing wrong with fast food, as long as you are still getting your important nutrients and vitamins and you're balancing it out with healthier options during the day.
2009-01-24 5:42 pm
Your body will crave nutrients in the foods you crave when you need it. It could be at this point it is craving the fats or sodium in the foods, or some combination. There is nothing wrong with eating McDonald's once or twice a week it will not harm you or the baby. The key is to have a balanced diet, frankly you are lucky you can eat things like pizza and a few fast foods. As your baby grows your body will crave different things, just be mindful of the types of foods you crave and adjust your diet accordingly.
2009-01-24 5:40 pm
Obviously I am not a woman, so obviously I am never going to be physically pregnant myself. But I have known several pregnant people. And all of them at some point had gone at least a week or so of eating fast food. And none of them ever took their vitamins. I think if I heard any of them ever say anything about taking some Flintstones for themselves Id truly believe that the world was about to end.

And you know what, they all had very healthy babies. And they themselves are too. They had their "fast/junk" food craving for a week or so and they indulged in it. Soon after that craving went to pasta and tuna. Which I tried and is really good by-the-by.

So indulge yourself. Your obviously a healthy woman. So I'm guessing you go to you doctor appointments all the time and that is great. If you have any concerns discuss them with you Doc. But your kids gonna want a happy meal after they're born anyway, why not give'em a taste test now?
參考: Personal experience/opinion
2009-01-24 5:35 pm
I have splurged on a lot of my cravings so dont feel bad. I did with my daughter too. I had Mcdonalds for lunch like 3 days in a row, but I eat a lot of fruit and veggies to compensate. Its fine as long as you dont eat it everyday. I wouldnt recommend it more than once a week but i eat a ton of pizza, I practically lived on it when I was pregnant with my daughter. I think you will be fine, dont worry about it. Try eating their fruit and yogurt too to balance out the yucky Mcdonalds. I do that sometimes too.
2016-02-26 12:58 pm
With the 1st baby I did stuff like that and gained over 40 lbs. This time I determined not to let that happen again. You know what's best just try to cook and if you miss one night don't dwell on it & make yourself feel guilty then cook the next night. Oh by the way my daughter was fine, I had an "uneventful" pregnancy regardless of all the fast food.

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