will traditional martrial arts die?

2009-01-24 4:29 pm
I mean like karate,kung fu,judo,aikido ect..
Will they be replaced bye krav maga,mma,muay thai ect.. because they are more realistic? what do you guys think

My hapkido teacher who did 40 years hapkido is switching to krav maga now.


He still uses the most affective hapkido technics

回答 (15)

2009-01-24 5:10 pm
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Traditional martial arts will never die,due to the fact that they are the main foundational base.
From which all your modern in vogue arts/concepts like, Krav Maga,BJJ etc,etc stem from, and any other new so called latest super dooper alternative that might appear now or in the future.

Best wishes :)***
參考: Martial arts 29yrs Former Jiu-jitsu coach,Boxer,Bouncer.
2009-01-25 2:21 am
no they will never die

muay thai is traditional.
krav maga is not martial arts. i doubt a hapkido instructor would switch to that unless he was an incompetent one. as hapkido has a lot more realistic techniques the krav maga.
krav maga has few techniques and most people that teach it add other traditional arts to it.


you want to talk about realistically krav teach how do deal with grenades and suicide bombers, how often do you come across this.

as for mma, mma is a sport and not martial arts. i would take this over krav maga any day of the week. it is far more useful

contrary to want the kids on here say 90% of street fights dont end up on the ground. in a street fight there are no rules other people tend to jump in, so the ground fighting is not always the best for streets, it has its place, but not always in the street.

you should try learning for a better instructor. i've been using shotokan to defend my self with few issues for 30yrs
參考: 30 yrs ma shotokan and shito ryu
2009-01-25 3:41 am
More realistic than karate? Me thinks not! Without TMA there would be no base for MMA and other SPORT styles. MMA isn't a martial art, but a combination of martial techniques selected for use in a sporting contest, and have absolutely no bearing on combat/survival martial art. Hapkido, when properly trained is certainly a realistic art, as are a large number of other styles and methods. ShihanJ deserves best answer here, he has extensive experience and has told you right. J
參考: 40 yrs training; Instructor: Shotokan, The-Balance-Ryu Karate-Do
2009-01-25 12:41 am
Muay Thai is a traditional martial art, and No I do not believe traditional martial arts will die. We have seen fads come and go. Traditional schools will get smaller for a while but there will still be people that can appreciate traditional martial arts that have a broader curriculum to offer them some of the modern systems. We all have our place and will have a portion of the public interest. There is a world of martial arts, some that most people have never heard of, They are all still alive due to a few very dedicated individuals. The modern fads will have there "fifteen minutes of fame", make their money and then fade as fads do. They will also survive due to dedicated individuals.
參考: 37 Years Training, 34 Years Teaching.
2009-01-25 6:38 am
lol. You think M"MA" is more effective than real ("traditional") martial arts? M"MA" is not a martial art, it's a sport. And since real martial arts have been around for several hundred years and are still the most practiced and most effective martial arts in the world, I doubt they're going anywhere.

Krav Maga is more of a self defense system than a martial art. It's mostly a mix of martial arts with a few weapons defenses.

Muay Thai is a traditional martial art, but it's becoming more of a sport. The art it came from, Muay Boran, is becoming hard and harder to find.
參考: Training in Bujinkan Budo Taijutsu and other martial arts.
2009-01-25 11:02 am
People who do not know the truth always jump to this conclusion...

An analogy...

A person from 2000 years ago who saw a guy point a gun and shoot someone would think the noise killed the other guy. They cannot see or understand the bullet.

Many people today see the MMA guy beat all the other contenders. But they do not know what they are seeing. They are blind to the reality.
2009-01-25 4:02 am
A few points:

-Muay Thai is in every way a traditional martial art. It has as much history as any karate style.

-Krav Maga is actually older than some so-called "traditional" systems.

-MMA practitioners with backgrounds in Judo and karate are becoming more frequent; I think we'll see more kung fu guys in the next ten years or so.

Anyway, no, so-called "traditonal" systems won't die. There will always be a demand for them, and their training is easily altered to be more realistic. You can do an MMA-oriented karate or judo class, for example, or one that looks like RBSD. The punches, kicks, locks and throws are pretty much the same in every martial art, only the training methods vary. And there will always be some folks who prefer to think of themselves as some rebord samurai, and prefer fantasy over reality.
2009-01-25 2:48 am
If all that was required for an art to be popular was that it have full contact and winning by knock out or submission then trad ma wouldn't have made it in the 1st place as we would all be doing boxing and/or wrestling.

As for your instructor sounds like the kind of guy who will go anywhere he can to make a buck.
2009-01-25 12:38 am
Krav Maga, MMA, they are just another step in the evolution of Martial arts. When Karate, Kung Fu, and the other TMA's were developed, there were different situations, different threats, because it was a different time. Nowadays it isn't swords and spears. It's guns, knives, concealed weapons, and gangs. Krav Maga and the Reality based defensive arts are designed for those purposes, but Karate and Kung Fu can still give you advantages in a hand to hand confrontation. It's all up to your preference. But no matter what new forms of fighting come in the future, It all came from somewhere. Therefore, the Original, Traditional arts will always live on.
2009-01-28 12:03 am
Traditional martial arts will never die out.

Just like everything that has been around for a long time. it is always adapting. Things will be added and changed but the basic concepts will always be there. the style and training will always be there.

I believe the the martial arts have been water down compared to what it use to be. everyone is sue happy and it has become the teacher serves the student instead of the other way around.

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