Diane 35 真的有效治療暗瘡嗎?有冇人試過可以話我知?

2009-01-24 9:52 pm


回答 (2)

2009-01-24 10:41 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Diane 35 是一般的治療方法, 只可治標, 但是經常復發, 這是由於你的油脂分泌線過度活躍, 引至有好多暗瘡同暗瘡印, 應響皮膚質素。你的情況較為嚴重, 建議應切法根治, 永久改善皮膚質素。 可用藥物Nimegen cap, 服食一個療程後, 大約有70%至80%的病人會再復發。 NIMEGEN是治療暗瘡特效藥, 和一般暗瘡藥不同之處是, 使用後的覆發率低,可避免皮膚進一步惡化。更能更新皮膚。這是切底根治暗瘡的可行方法。醫學報告指出, 副作用的比例不高和市面的傳聞不一樣, 大約在0.2% 至0.4%之間, 比一般常用西藥為低, 但是服藥期間不可懷孕。不過這是醫生專用藥, 藥房沒有出售。你可向你的醫生查詢。只可經醫生獲得供應。

參考: Medical Journal
2009-01-24 10:21 pm
The answer is Yes. Very rarely we see patients with weight gain. In fact, not many complaints at all. Weight gain, if any, is usually reversible. It'll go away when you stop the pill. However, if you are still in your puberty, acne will come back if you stop the treatment.

Remember: See a medical doctor for this medicine 'cause sometimes it might cause small problems but you don't know what to do with it.

No risk, no gain. You are the person to make the choice but most people are fine after all these years.

For detail description of this medication, go to:

參考: Pharmacist in Australia

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