
2009-01-24 9:06 pm


回答 (1)

2009-01-25 5:54 am
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Lookign at a profoit and lost account, 2 ways you can lose money

1. the stupid way, you make a gross lost, i.e. you sell something cheaper than the cost of producing it. e.g 拿不到合理的廣告費, charging ads les than the cost of producing it.

2. the less stupid way, you make a net loss, because your other running cost is so high it takes up all your $. This is usually linked to ineficiency. I.E. Having a huge ad department when there is only a few ad, having lots of unused equiptments and office space, or even worse, investing money into equiptment/ people which canot generate suffcient $ for the company.

Of cos all company also relys on goodwill and reputation to get business. Without good reputation, even with the best people and equiptment, it can still be hard to win business. which may force the company to charge people at a price below cost and make a lost just to hope that this will buy themselve a chance to win new customer . typical e.g. would be those $1 food on the street market.

I think, this is similar for ATV- where they simply have not got the reputation of having a wide range of audience, so they cannot charge so much for their Ad, and this cuts revenue down, and also to run a big company needs lots of fixed costs, e.g. the running the big building etc. This is inefficient to run but at the same time ATV cannot cut too many of these fixed cost down- what would people think if ATV move out of kong por road into a small serviced office? this Probably will cause even more damage to the reputation and make it even harder for ATV to gain good Ad revenue!

In fact when we hear ATV cut costs, this is what happens- a downward spiral signalling that ATV is getting down so the customer get even less confidence and hence less willing to spend $ on ATV ad. it also become harder for ATV to get good people to help generate better programme on their own, as workers have little confidence in ATV future. Without Good programme, how can they attract audience to get ad revenue?

收錄日期: 2021-04-29 15:46:51
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