
2009-01-24 6:28 pm
                  Dr   Cr
Bad debts written off        $1,500  
Impairment of trade receivables       $5,100
Trade receivables         $321,000

附加資料:Further bad debts written off was $1,000 at the year end. Impairment of trade receivables was $19,200.

我唔明點解損益表個bad debts written off係$1,500+$1,000同Impairment loss係$19,200-$5,100,而資產負債表個trade receivable就係減$321,000-$1,000(損益表個bad debts written off係$2,500,咁點解唔係減$2,500?)同Impairment of trade receivables係$19,200(同損益表個Impairment loss有咩唔同?)

回答 (1)

2009-01-24 7:49 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1) 點解損益表個bad debts written off係$1,500+$1,000
>> $1,500 has been recorded, the $1,000 is the new amount.

2) Impairment loss係$19,200-$5,100
>> $19,200 is the new total, but $5,100 has been accounted for in your previous P/L.

3) 咁點解 trade receivable係減$321,000-$1,000.
>> In your previous balance, you would have minus $1,500 to get $321, 000. So the new Total trade receivables, you will just need to minus the additional figure which is $1,000.

4) Impairment of trade receivables點解係$19,200
>> The new figure of $19,200 includes the the $5,100. It gets accumulated until you write them off.
參考: me, myself and I

收錄日期: 2021-04-15 21:26:38
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