
2009-01-23 11:00 pm
知你 曾花心 愛著你很驚心
卻又覺開心 得我愿意受你所困


回答 (4)

2009-01-23 11:36 pm
✔ 最佳答案
知你 曾花心 (Knowing that you've been unfaithful,) 愛著你很驚心(and loving you makes me restless,)
卻又覺開心 得我愿意受你所困 (but all these make me feel so happy that I'm willing to be tied up by you)
2009-01-27 11:14 pm
Know you to once spend heart to love you very shocking
The but again feels happy to get a my Yuan's idea to be subjected to you trap
2009-01-25 4:19 am
Know you Zeng HuaXin Love you to be very much soul-stirring but feel happy Need me to like to be stranded by you
2009-01-23 11:10 pm
Knew you once to spend beloved you very alarmed actually to think that was happy I to be willing to be stranded you

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