
2009-01-23 5:56 am
Obama candidate's tax issue 'an innocent mistake'
US president-elect Barack Obama said the tax problems of his choice for treasury chief were an embarrassment but said Timothy Geithner's "innocent mistake"should not bar him from the job in which he would lead urgent efforts to revive the economy.
Revelations that Mr Geithner had failed to pay US$34,000 in taxes several years ago derailed Senate Democrats plans to speed him to approval as treasury secretary by the time Mr Obama is sworn in.
Bipartisan backing remained strong but the delay in his confirmation hearing opened the possibility that opposition could build.
Republicans,who have been mostly deferential to Mr Obama's nominees,were blocking efforts to fast-track Mr Geithner's nomination,with at least one Finanve Committee member saying the tax questions deserved greater scrutiny.
Mr Obama had hoped for approval by Tuesday,but given the Republican objections,senators scheduled Mr Geithner's confirmation hearing for next Wednesday,with Senate debate and a vote some time after that.
Mr Obama becomes president at noon on Tuesday.
Two Republicans formally objected to scheduling the hearing tomorrow after the panel disclosed that Mr Geithner had failed to pay some taxes he owed between 2001 and 2004.
"Look,is this an embarrassment for him?Yes.He said so himself.But it was an innocent mistake.My expectation is that Tim Geithner will be confirme,"Mr Obama said.
A number of Democrats and Republicans on the Finance Committee voiced strong support for Mr Geithner,who was phoning senators indicidually in an effort to persuade them his tax problems resulted from innocent errors and were not deliberate attempts to avoid paying tax.
Senators' reactions suggested they viewed his actions more as embarrassing mistakes than as disqualifying misdeeds.


回答 (3)

2009-01-27 6:57 am
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Obama candidate's tax issue 'an innocent mistake'奧巴馬內閣員的稅務問題,是一個無辜的錯失
US president-elect Barack Obama said the tax problems of his choice for treasury chief were an embarrassment 美國選出的總統巴勒‧奧巴馬說,他對財務部長的選擇,繳稅的問題成了一個尷尬。
but said Timothy Geithner's "innocent mistake"should not bar him from the job in which he would lead urgent efforts to revive the economy.但他說添莫菲‧蓋特勒的無辜錯失,不應該阻礙他穫得此職務。蓋將會在這職務上,領導緊急的努力行動,去復興經濟。
Revelations that Mr Geithner had failed to pay US$34,000 in taxes several years ago derailed Senate Democrats plans to speed him to approval as treasury secretary by the time Mr Obama is sworn in.蓋特勒在幾年前,沒有繳納三萬四千美元稅款,被揭露出來,令民主黨員想在奧巴馬宣誓的同時,促成蓋通過成為財政部長的計劃出了軌。
Bipartisan backing remained strong but the delay in his confirmation hearing opened the possibility that opposition could build.兩黨的支持仍然強大,但是延遲蓋的聽證會,開創了增加反對的可能性。
Republicans,who have been mostly deferential to Mr Obama's nominees,were blocking efforts to fast-track Mr Geithner's nomination,共和黨員一向對於奧巴馬提名的人,大部份慣於順服。他們正在阻截那些提名蓋特勒,令他平步青雲的努力行動,
with at least one Finance Committee member saying the tax questions deserved greater scrutiny最少有一個財政委員會成員,說繳稅的問題值得深入調查。
Mr Obama had hoped for approval by Tuesday,but given the Republican objections,奧巴馬曾經希望在星期二或之前通過,但鑑於共和黨員的反對,
senators scheduled Mr Geithner's confirmation hearing for next Wednesday,with Senate debate and a vote some time after that.議員籌劃蓋特勒的聽證會,在下星期三舉行,稍後時間有國會辯論及投票。

2009-01-26 23:05:15 補充:
Mr Obama becomes president at noon on Tuesday.星期二正午奧巴馬成為總統。
Two Republicans formally objected to scheduling the hearing tomorrow after the panel disclosed that Mr Geithner had failed to pay some taxes he owed between 2001 and 2004 當專責小組披露蓋特勒在零一至零四年間,沒有繳納一些欠稅後,兩個共和黨員正式反對明日籌劃聽證會。

2009-01-26 23:15:39 補充:
"Look,is this an embarrassment for him?Yes.He said so himself.But it was an innocent mistake.My expectation is that Tim Geithner will be confirmed,"Mr Obama said.奧巴馬說:『看呀,對於他來說,這不是個尷尬麼?是的,他自己也這麼說。但它是個無心之失。我的期望是添‧蓋特勒會被通過。』

2009-01-26 23:21:54 補充:
A number of Democrats and Republicans on the Finance Committee voiced strong support for Mr Geithner有些屬於財務委員會的民主及共和黨員,提出對蓋特勒強烈的支持,

2009-01-26 23:22:22 補充:
who was phoning senators individually in an effort to persuade them his tax problems resulted from innocent errors and were not deliberate attempts to avoid paying tax.他們打電話給個別的參議員,以行動去說服他們,蓋的納稅問題是源於無心之失,而不是故意逃稅。

2009-01-26 23:27:09 補充:
Senators' reactions suggested they viewed his actions more as embarrassing mistakes than as disqualifying misdeeds.國會議員的反應表達出他們看蓋的行為,是一個尷尬的錯失,多過是令人喪失資格的罪行。

Sorry, 上一段是國會議員,不是參議員。
2009-02-06 6:29 am
美國Barack Obama總統當選人說他的財寶院長的選擇的税問題是困窘,但是說的Timothy Geithner的" 無辜的mistake" 不應該拒绝他他會帶領迫切努力復興經濟的工作。
在星期二, Obama先生成為總統在中午。
" 看,這是否是困窘為他?Yes.He如此說他自己。但是它是一個無辜的差錯。我的期望是Tim Geithner將是confirme, " obama先生說。
參考: Yahoo 聰明筆
2009-01-23 6:07 am
美國當選總統的奧巴馬說,他的稅務問題的選擇財政部長是尷尬,但表示蓋特納的“無辜的錯誤” ,不應酒吧他從工作中,他將領導緊急努力振興經濟。





“你看,這是一個尷尬的他嗎? 是.他這麼說.但它是一個無辜的誤解,我證實的期望,蒂姆蓋斯納將, ”奧巴馬說。



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