exit from or alight from ?

2009-01-22 5:28 pm
香港地鐵公司的客戶服務廣播叫人下車會說 exit from,但近日看到報章有文章指出這不是英語國家人們的習慣說法,應說 alight from,是否正確?

回答 (1)

2009-01-22 5:55 pm
✔ 最佳答案
I suppose your question is much easier than your previous post, bloke.

In the UK, people do say " alight from the bus".
It is 100% correct.
Trust me! I spent over 33 years there.
Hope that helps!

2009-01-22 09:56:56 補充:
It is correct to say " alight from the subway" as well.

2009-01-22 10:00:43 補充:
" to exit from the subway" is correct, but " to alight from the subway" is
more common than " to exit from the subway".

2009-01-23 10:38:08 補充:
One more word related to your previous post, pal.

In popular music, a cover version, or simply cover, is a new rendition (performance or recording) of a previously recorded, commercially released song.

2009-01-23 10:38:29 補充:
In its current use, it can sometimes have a pejorative meaning — implying that the original recording should be regarded as the definitive version,

2009-01-23 10:38:46 補充:
usually in the sense of an "authentic" rendition, and all others are merely lesser competitors,
alternatives or tributes (no matter how popular).

2009-01-23 10:42:17 補充:
In the U.K, we call " subway" " underground".

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