What do you eat for snacks? (in pregnancy)?

2009-01-21 5:18 pm
I normally just eat a yogurt or fruit and couple slices of cheese between meals, but honestly that's just not doing it. I'm still hungry! I'm just wondering what everyone else snacks on? Healthy things obviously. Not looking for candies and cookies! LOL. Thanks to all for your insight!!

回答 (11)

2009-01-21 5:24 pm
✔ 最佳答案
dried fruit, trail mixes, nuts, sunflower seeds, apples & peanut butter, stick pretzels stuck in a cube of cheese (YUM), natural popcorn (no butter or salt), cereal (like chex or raisin bran) :)
參考: 5 weeks preg. w/ #2
2009-01-21 5:22 pm
I snack on alot of cracker type snacks. I get really sick off food, and crackers always go down well with me. Like I eat saltines, wheat thins, the crackers with cheese in the middle. Fruit snacks. things like that.
2009-01-21 5:24 pm
I am only 8 weeks so I may not be as hungry as you but inbetween meals I eat grapes and bananas, drink lots of fluids because that can help make you feel full. I do have sweets now and then because everything is fine in moderation.(says my OB anyway) Things that are high in fiber help to control hunger and they are healthy for you.
Hope this helped
參考: mommy of 18 month old boy, 8 weeks pregnant with #2
2009-01-21 5:23 pm
I used to sautee some vegetables and snack on them through out the day. You'd be surprised how full you can get off of just a little bit of it. Sometimes, I'd add some tofu also.
2009-01-21 6:31 pm
soup, apples and nuts. I always have a few of those Campbells handheld soups around my desk (the chicken noodle one works the best). When I am hungry, I just heat one up in the microwave. And if I am still hungry, I'll eat an apple and a handful of nuts (almonds).
2009-01-21 5:31 pm
For me, fruits and cookies (those 100 calorie packs) works when I have a sweet tooth. Sometimes a smoothie from juice stop works too.

I like rice cakes, pretzels, and saltines/crackers when I am craving something salty and crunchy.

I am not big into chocolate and sweet baked goods....however.
2009-01-21 5:26 pm
i have a bowl of wheat cereal, with a banana or pear. this morning i snacked on a little of everything i made for my husbands lunch. i drink orange juice and milk.Meal replacement drink for extra calories. I also eat the fiber granola bars. Oatmeal with raisins, malt-o-meal (both have good amounts of folic acid). Bagel with cream cheese. grilled cheese sandwich. oh and I also make a trip to panera bread every couple days to get there broccoli and cheddar cheese soup:) my one weakness.
2009-01-21 5:25 pm
try protien i would say peanut butter but amybe not . i love apples and cheese
tomato soup
milk and crackers
2009-01-21 5:24 pm
I snack on whatever is there...lol. I usually try something healthy like carrots. Then I go back for water. Then I go back for a yogurt or cheese. Then if I am still hungry I go for potato chips, chocolate, cookies, anything, and I drink water with them.
2009-01-21 5:41 pm


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