pregnant and losing weight?

2009-01-21 5:08 pm
I am now 8 1/2 weeks pregnant and sick. I have been weighing myself every morning when I wake up before I eat or drink anything and each day I weigh 1/2pound to a pound less. With my pregnancy with my son I gained a lot of weight very quickly. within the 6 month I knew I was pregnant I gained a total of 46 pounds so this is very new to me. Could it be due to being sick, (im still making sure I'm eating 3 meals a day) or is it common for women to loose weight early in pregnancy.
I'm just not sure if this is something I should worry about or not.

回答 (14)

2009-01-21 5:14 pm
✔ 最佳答案
its very normal to loose weight in the first trimester. I lost weight in my first trimester, but made up for it by gaining 9 of it back in the second. weight gain is a good guideline so you don't loose too much weight, but for all the women who suffer from extreme morning sickness, they can't gain weight. wait a little bit, i started gaining weight after my 12th week.
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2009-01-21 6:51 pm
Make sure you stay hydrated - drinks lots of fluids. If you're throwing up a lot in the first trimester, part of the weight loss could be because of the loss in water, which can be dangerous to both you and the baby. Also, it's very common to lose weight in the beginning as you're often too sick to eat. Instead of eating three meals a day, maybe you can break them up into 5 smaller meals a day. This actually helped me keep my food down.
2009-01-21 5:16 pm
I lost 10 lbs for the first trimester of pregnancy and now Im in my 37 week with a 7lb baby....only gained 15 lbs throughout the pregnancy. I was very nauseated the first trimester but my doc did not seemed worried. This is my second pregnancy and my first was nothing like this either, I guess every pregnancy is different. GOOD LUCK TO YOU!!!!!

KAYDEN JACE (2/5/09)
Proud MOMMY to be
2009-01-21 5:15 pm
I lost weight the first 7 months I was pregnant, then the next two, put it all back on and gained 12. So I only gained a total of 12 lbs. and my baby was a little under 6 lbs, but healthy. I was sick most of my pregnancy.
參考: experience
2009-01-21 5:15 pm
Just try to keep eating good, maybe try eating alittle more than you are right now. Also, keep drinking plenty of liquids, so you don't get dehydrated. I think you should just keep watching your weight. If you keep going down in weight, I would call your doctor, and make an appointment to see him. It could hurt the baby if you keep dropping alot of weight. good luck.
2009-01-21 5:14 pm
It is perfectly normal to not gain or to lose the first 16 or so weeks of pregnancy. My first time, I lost a little over 10 pounds, I was nauseated and had no appetite, but still delivered an 8 lb 11 oz boy 10 days late...this time I am 15 weeks and have only lost three but gained it back and I have been holding steady the last eight weeks. If there is a problem, your OB will surely mention bring it up. Good luck!

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