Any Advise Ladies?!? This is my 14th month of trying & I think I need to try something new? ?

2009-01-21 5:03 pm
Hi Ladies!!! Well first off I want to say congrats to everyone that got their BFP this month! It seems like there are lots of u this time! I am trying to approach next month optimistically & was wondering if u had any tips 4 me! This is what I currently am doing.......
I keep track of my cycles. They are between 30-32 days
My last period was 1-19-09 (still on it arghhh)
period before that was 12-20-08
Im registered on and according to them I will ovulate the 1st week in Feb. Once my period is over we will BD ever other day.
Bought pre-seed last month and will use it again this month
I lay in bed after sex with a pillow under my hips
I have ovulation sticks but havent used them the past 2 months.
Should I start taking my temp? I dont know??

Is there anything else u can think of that might increase my chances. Did anything in particular work for you?!? I know I shouldnt stress about it and just " have fun and try" and i promise i will try to do that I just wanted to know if you had any tips we could try in Feb.

Thanks ladies your the best :)
** I asked this in trying to conceive and I only got 1 answer that didnt even answer my question :( Help!!

回答 (5)

2009-01-21 5:17 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Well it sounds like you're already doing a lot of the right things. The only thing I would suggest is tracking your ovulation with a method other than an online one. Online ovulation trackers only go by your cycle lengths and give you an estimate of around the time you would ovulate, but those online ones can't really tell if you're for surely ovulating. I would be using the ovulation tests if I were you. Maybe use the online one to give you an estimate, but use the ovulation tests to really pin point for sure when you're ovulating. Do you ever chart your cm (cervical mucus)? That's a way you can track your ovulation without even using ovulation tests. Its really pretty simple. If your cycles are 30-32 days long (same as me) then you probably ovulate 9 days or so after your period ends according to the average person with that cycle length, but not for sure. You can have a 28 day cycle and an online ovulation tracker would assume you ovulate a week after your period ends, when you could actually be ovulating 10 days after your period ends but you aren't aware of that because you're not tracking cm. I would start tracking your cm each month. When your cm begins to increase and get sticky like lotion, that means you're approaching ovulation, and then when the cm increases more and becomes slippery like egg whites, that means you are actively ovulating. Your cervix will also be slightly open when you ovulate. I think its much better to track ovulation that way. And although having sex every other day after your period ends is good and all, I would up it a notch. I would be having sex every day from about 3 days before ovulation all the way up to 2 days after ovulation. Other than that, I htink you're already doing everything else right. And by the way, if you have been TTC for 14 months, it may be time to see the doctor because they're could possibly be something wrong (husband has low sperm count, you have a hormonal imbalance, etc). Good luck!
2009-01-21 5:12 pm
Hey. Im sorry to hear that its been taking you a while. That must be really hard. I'm not sure about any good tricks, too much. Try to be having sex alot, like at least every other day. Also have sex, even when you don't think you are fertile, cuz you never know. Everyone's body is different, and I've seen people get pregnant having sex right after their period, and right before. so you never know. Also, after sex try to lay in bed for at least 20-30 minutes. Also, if you have been trying for over a year now, have you considered going in to see the doctor about it, and make sure everything is ok with you and your partners fertility. Good luck. Just try to relax, have fun and keep trying. It'll happen for you.just be patient. I wish you lots of luck.
2009-01-21 5:09 pm
ok u need to stop worrying about it so much. i know how hard this is but by stressing about it, its probably one of the reasons ur not pregnant. the link below is what i started taking after trying for 4 months. after 1 month of using this i came up pregnant.
2009-01-21 6:47 pm
What you need to do is stop stressing it. Stop all the tracking, monitoring, etc. Just don't think about it. You have too much of that going on.

They said you'll be ovulating in the first week of Feb. So from now until then, don't even think about anything. Just go enjoy yourself, have fun, exercise, eat healthy, etc. Then as your period ends (which I assume would be sometime this weekend), plan a few romantic evening dates with your husband. Think about all the nice sweet little things you can do together (even just watching a movie at home over a nice candlelight dinner). The goal is to stop thinking about "getting pregnant" and concentrate on being romantic and enjoying yourself. Once your brain and body is relaxed, you'll get pregnant easier.

I would plan enough romantic evenings so that you and your husband would be "doing it" every night the first two weeks of February.

My husband and I were trying for 3 months. Nothing. Then we were busy moving, decorating and enjoying our new home so the whole tracking/monitoring was forgotten. Two months later, I was pregnant.
2009-01-21 5:14 pm
This is probably not what you wanna hear but please read!! My best advice is stop trying and tracking!! I know that sounds hard and crazy but I tried for three years and still know luck. I was tracking it on an ovulation website, taking ovulation test, tracking, everything I could do and it was stressful and hurtful. It will stress you out very easy even if you don't know it and as long as you are stressing it ain't gonna happen. That is exactly what my Dr. told me. So I quit worrying about it and quit tracking and everything just started being with my husband cause I wanted to not just because we were trying. Within 3 months of no stress about it I was pregnant. She is here and beautiful and I know it was worth all the stress but when I went to my DR. and told him I think I am pregnant he confirmed and said "see what happens when you don't stress about it and listen to me" I hope I have helped you in some way and The very best of Luck to Ya'll!!

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