
2009-01-21 8:05 am
according to the dispute invoices, we will reduce 15% as discount,
details pls see as below


回答 (3)

2009-01-21 10:51 am
✔ 最佳答案
According to the invoices in dispute, we will reduce( our prices)
by 15% as a discount.
Please see the details below.
1) reduce "______" by 15%? <--------Fill it the blank by yourself then
2) a discount <------------- " discount" is a countable noun.
3) Please see the details below. No " as"
4) " dispute" <-------- noun or verb


2009-01-21 02:53:15 補充:
Note: reduce WHAT<--- by 15%
2009-01-21 10:51 am
According to the dispute invoices, we will reduce 15% as discount, if you want to see the details please see as below.
參考: ME
2009-01-21 8:24 am
According to the dispute invoices, we will reduce 15% as a discount. Please see below for details.

收錄日期: 2021-04-20 14:15:49
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