About France (Urgent)

2009-01-21 5:55 am
What is the English name of the famous river in France???

回答 (2)

2009-01-21 7:20 am
✔ 最佳答案
Rivers of France

[+] Aude basin
[+] Basins of the Gulf of Lion
[+] Coastal basins of Roussillon
[+] Coastal basins of the Gulf of Lion
[+] Rivers of Dordogne
[+] Rivers of French Guiana
[+] Garonne basin
[+] Locks of France
[+] Rivers of Lorraine
[+] Moselle basin
[+] Rivers of Normandy
[+] Rivers of Oise
[+] Rhone basin
[+] Saar basin
[+] River Seine
[+] Seine basin


2009-01-20 23:25:41 補充:
River Seine is one of the major rivers.
2009-01-21 10:17 am
Seine River.

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