
2009-01-21 12:15 am
本人想4月去美國旅遊, 但沒有公司假期批准信, 只有糧單、員工証(現任政府工)、稅單、最近銀行月結單, 請問能取得美國簽證嗎?

回答 (4)

2009-01-21 3:43 am
✔ 最佳答案
能取得美國簽證, 沒有公司假期批准信 okay.

If your interviewer asked for company vacation letter, you can tell him/her that you want to get the visa first before submitting your leave application and buy air tickets.

Usually they don't ask for it.
2009-01-22 7:35 pm
you are grovernment employee, you should no problem to get the vacation paper..?
you also better bring in last 3 months bank statements. and paid studs.
plus you need a good reason why you want to visit US.....
the chance look good for you... so, good luck la.
參考: live in US
2009-01-21 6:00 pm
To increase your chance, it is better to provide return ticket or any travel arrangement.
2009-01-21 12:17 am
最好叫上司出一封信證明你幾時放假, 幾時會返香港繼續工作。

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