
2009-01-20 10:27 pm

A. bee B. shrimp C. fly D.goldfish E.butterfly F. tuna fish

I swim day and night.
My home is a glass bowl.
People do not eat me,
but keep me as a pet.

What am I?

A. star fruit B.lemon C. apple D.cherry E. orange F.banana

I grow in a bunch, hanging from a tree.
When I am young, my skin is green.
But when I get older,
it turns yellow with brown spots.
You can fry, bake or simply peel me!

What am I?

Read the riddle and answer the Q.

Our twinking lights shine
On everything big and small,
From animal that fight
To creatures sleeping in the night.
On little grils and boys
Asleep with theor toys,
And cats and dongs
That sleep like logs.

Ⅰ:What are we?_________________________________
Ⅱ:What do cats and dogs look like when they are sleeping?
They look like_______________
Ⅲ:The word"boys" rhymes with"toys".Find another pair of rhymes.
Ⅳ:What time of the day is it?

I'm the only one in the sky.
I can make things bright.
I'm big, sliver and round.
I never make a sound.
All over the world,
People like me.

Who am I?(is it a moon?)

回答 (2)

2009-01-21 2:28 am
✔ 最佳答案
I swim day and night. ←由朝到晚也游泳,是水中的生物吧!因此不是bee, fly and butterfyl
My home is a glass bowl. ←是住在玻璃碗裡的, 所以不是吞拿魚!
People do not eat me,  ←蝦是很美味的海鮮喔,所以也不是答案!
but keep me as a pet.←很多人養金魚呢

What am I? D. GoldFish.

I grow in a bunch, hanging from a tree. ←長在樹上,一束束的,所以不是 Starfruit(楊桃), lemon, apple and orange
When I am young, my skin is green. ←未熟的時候是青色的,所以可能是star fruit or banana
But when I get older,
it turns yellow with brown spots. ←熟了之後是黃色而且有啡色斑點,一定是香蕉!
You can fry, bake or simply peel me!

What am I? F. banana.

Our twinking lights shine
On everything big and small,
From animal that fight
To creatures sleeping in the night.
On little grils and boys
Asleep with their toys,
And cats and dogs
That sleep like logs.

Ⅰ:What are we? We are stars. 第一句說文中描述的主角閃閃生光,而且之後描述的時間也是在夜晚的( e.g. in the night, asleep, sleep ),所以文中主角是星星。
Ⅱ:What do cats and dogs look like when they are sleeping?
They look like logs. "that"的意思是指前面所提及的角色:cats and dog. Logs的意思是圓形的樹幹。
Ⅲ:The word"boys" rhymes(押韻) with"toys".Find another pair of rhymes.
Dogs and logs 或 fight and night, 他們都是押韻的。
Ⅳ:What time of the day is it?
In the night. 文中提及。

I'm the only one in the sky. ←天上唯一的東西
I can make things bright. ←照亮其他物件
I'm big, sliver and round. ←大的,銀色的,圓形的
I never make a sound. ←沒有聲音的
All over the world, ←全世界也能看到
People like me. ←所有人也喜歡

Who am I?(is it a moon?Yes)
2009-08-17 3:58 am
It helps me a lot!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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