change from FAT32 to NTFS

2009-01-20 7:20 pm
前天買了 WD Elements 2.5 external HD , want to change from FAT32 to NTFS, use "convert x: /fs:ntfs" but fail, can anyone teach me how to do??

回答 (1)

2009-01-20 9:08 pm
✔ 最佳答案
不如試吓GUI啦: Right click 'my computer', select 'Manage", 當Computer Management"的window彈出來後,select 'Disk Management'(under Storage). 看清楚你的external HD 是那一個drive letter; select the right drive letter, then right click and select format... 咁Format Window 就會彈出,可以揀NTFS囉!

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