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Unfortunately overdosing on thyroxine can produce osteoporosis and heart problems so it is unwise to contemplate this course of action.
Diet+exercise I am afraid!
參考: GP for more years than I care to remember
i used to take slim tablets to control my weight. but i put on much weight after stop taking tablets. so i think the best way to lose weight is do more exercise. eat more fruits and vegetables instead of chips and pizza.
It's dangerous to self-regulate like that, but in theroy, it ought to work. In practice, it might land you in the hospital. I don't know what kind of stimulants you would have access to in the UK (I assume from your use of the unit 'stone'), but that almost certainly seems safer than directly manipulating your endocrine system.
參考: Disclaimer: I am not a doctor, and this should not be taken in lieu of actual medical advice.
Less food and more exercise would be a better way.
Get tips from weight loss community
kick off your sunday shoes and dance to the first four songs off the footloose soundtrack
opt for self checkout wait in line for 7 minutes ring yourself up for another 10 bag your own grub and load up the car
While you re going to vacation take some fitness accessories along with you
take a break from blue moon belgian white a 164 calorie treat and grab a miller genuine draft which is only 64 cals
get rid of your garbage can walk trash to the kitchen bin
pick your own apples strawberries or other fruits and veggies
swap out potatoes for cauliflower which you can eat mashed or roasted
when ordering sushi request cucumber instead of white or brown rice
lift and lower a soy sauce bottle 170 times with your right hand and a wok 170 times with your left
walk around the block once mid morning and once midafternoon
tired of eating your salad on a plate fill a whole wheat pita with salad and a splash of lemon for a twist
ride him like a cow girl for 26 minutes straddling requires more calorie burning leg work
start your day with eags beacuse eags contains more protein
stand while styling your hair and putting on makeup
go out dancing or take dancing lessons
take a 30 second break in the middle of your meal evaluate just how hungry you still are before getting back to your food
chew thoroughly chewing each bite 30 times before swallowing
Cary a motivational photo with you
skip elivator and use steps
Chickpeas can help dieters break bad snaking habits
beware of hidden calories
nurse a hangover sleep in for an hour and 53 minutes
surf for real for 34 minutes
get your zzzzzs sleep deprivation alters levels of hormones in the body that regulate hunger causing an increase in appetite
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snack attack puree peaches berries or pears for a sweet spread to go on pita chips
read the labels read the labels read the labels
dont confuse thirst with hunger drink a glass of water when you feel hungry to see if thats what you re really craving
we love chips but three cups of popcorn is just as satisfying
sweep your floors for 15 minutes then vacuum for 15
add 10 percent to the amount of daily calories you think you re eating
ditch half of your spaghetti for spaghetti squash
No much medication is not a solution of yor problem.It will take time....