
2009-01-20 4:40 am
我唔要yahoo 或者其他翻譯網既直翻!

回答 (7)

2009-01-20 5:36 pm
✔ 最佳答案
『怨天尤人』的意思總給人一種對際遇、挫折等等的不滿, 翻譯時要把這種感覺也傳達出來, 以下的例子可以給人這種感覺, 也把原文的中文字意保留 :

Murmur against the heaven and grumble against man.
2009-01-23 6:53 pm
Murmur against the heaven and grumble against man.
I wonder:
1) Does people understand what it meant? No Sir, I surely don't!
2) Who would say this strange sentence & under what situation?
3) I think any of the other 5 answers are better. At least, Kwai-lo understand what it means.
2009-01-20 7:43 pm
Complaining all the time. (即 - mug要投訴一番)

參考: Own
2009-01-20 6:45 am
Blaming god especially man
參考: me
2009-01-20 6:16 am
In fact Google and Yahoo are quite good tranlating 怨天尤人 as:
to blame god and man; to blame everyone and everything but oneself--Google
Blaming god and man--Yahoo
Of course, there can be some other different and good translations.

2009-01-19 22:16:29 補充:

Complain about the providence and blame other people.
它的英文意思就是 When confronting unpleasant or undesirable situations, a person always blame objective environments, but never self-criticise himself.


2009-01-20 5:20 am
The blame on others.
參考: me
2009-01-20 4:59 am
blaming everyone even the god but not oneself
參考: 我呀

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